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11 Janeiro 2020

A Análise Global 2019 detalha os ataques físicos, campanhas de difamação, ameaças à segurança digital, assédio judicial e ataques com base em gênero enfrentados por defensores e defensoras de direitos humanos em todo o mundo. Como demonstraram os recentes eventos de Hong Kong a Bagdá, defensores/as de direitos humanos estão na vanguarda das mudanças sociais e enfrentam ameaças e riscos significativos por isso – seja exigindo liberdades civis e políticas ou protegendo o meio ambiente e combatendo as mudanças climáticas.

Blog Post
Lottie Cunningham Wren
17 Dezembro 2016

There is growing concern over how democracy and the rule of law have deteriorated in Nicaragua, bearing important consequences for human rights defenders and society at large. As the presidential family has solidified its grip on Parliament, the Army, the Police and the media, civil society space has steadily narrowed.

Blog Post
Press conference Bamako - October 2017
30 Outubro 2017
Por Olivia Tchamba

Mariam Diallo Dramé has been an activist since her childhood. When she was just 13, she created the Children’s Parliament of Mali to protect children’s rights. Today, she is the president of Association Femmes Leadership et Développement Durables (AFLeD) and she continues to advocate for women and children’s rights to health, education, and leadership opportunities.

6 Março 2017

Ana Maria has helped hundreds of Dominicans of Haitian descent reclaim their rights, and resist racism and discrimination. Lorraine leads innovative education initiatives, to raise awareness about environmental rights in communities affected by coal mining in South Africa. Nisha successfully challenged a law discriminating against transgender people in Malaysia, and set up the first organisation providing support to the trans community in her country.

Blog Post
28 Novembro 2018
Por Erin Kilbride

A few days before my friend Fatima* boarded a plane back to Bahrain last month, she sent me an blank email with no subject line. Attached was a PDF file labelled “RISKS.” It listed nearly twenty dates on which she had been threatened, harassed, interrogated, banned from travel, or watched her brothers be thrown in prison in retaliation for her human rights work.


Between February 2013 and June 2016, at least 14 HRDs, secular writers and activists were murdered in Bangladesh. HRDs who write about women’s rights, indigenous peoples’ rights, freedom of religion, and other human rights issues have been targeted by extremist groups. The authorities have so far failed to conduct thorough and transparent investigations into the murders of activists. See: Victim Blaming: Bangladesh’s Failure to Protect Human Rights Defenders.

Sultana Kamal
Blog Post
27 Setembro 2015

On 27 September China will co-host with UN Women a “Global Leader's Meeting on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment” in New York. Chinese President Xi Jinping will address the gathering, as will Secretary General of the UN, Ban Ki-moon. The event will mark 20 years since the Beijing Declaration and is intended to place 'gender equality, women's rights and women's empowerment at the centre of the global agenda'.

8 Abril 2021

Com equipes que continuam trabalhando remotamente durante a COVID-19, todes nós enfrentamos questões relativas à segurança da nossa comunicação com outras pessoas:: Qual plataforma ou ferramenta de comunicação é melhor usar? Qual é a mais segura para realizar reuniões internas confidenciais? Quais terão recursos adequados para sessões de treinamento on-line ou cursos remotos sem comprometer a privacidade e a segurança de participantes?

