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Blog Post
Atziri Avila
3 Julho 2020
Por Atziri Ávila López

Atziri Elizabeth Ávila López is a woman human rights defender and journalist from Oaxaca, Mexico working with Observatorio Ciudadano Nacional del Feminicidio (OCNF) (The National Citizen’s Observatory on Femicide), a citizen’s network made up of 43 organisations. The work of OCNF is aimed at contributing to the guaranteed rights of women to a life free of violence. As well as her work with OCNF, Atziri is also a member of the Advisory Council of the Protection Mechanism for Human Rights Defenders and Journalists in Mexico.

Blog Post
Nurcan Baysal
18 Maio 2018
Por Nurcan Baysal

On 18 May, Kurdish journalist and human rights defender Nurcan Baysal received the 2018 Front Line Defenders Award for Human Rights Defenders at Risk. This is her Award acceptance speech:

Nurcan Baysal - 2018 Award

7 Julho 2020

The EU Guidelines of Human Rights Defenders (2004) provide practical actions for EU staff in Brussels and in human rights defenders’ (HRDs) home countries to support and protect HRDs. While useful, the Guidelines do not contain recommendations or actions that consider the varied experiences of women human rights defenders (WHRDs) with regard to gender, sexuality, race, class, family life, etc.

22 Janeiro 2018

Em um contexto global altamente contestado, no qual o avanço dos direitos humanos tem desafiado cada vez mais ditadores, conservadores religiosos e capitalistas abutres, há o crescimento de uma estratégia coordenada e bem dotada de recursos para difamação, criminalização e violência empregadas a fim de intimidar, marginalizar e s


In 2012, civil war broke out in Northern Mali. Despite a peace agreement reached in 2015, the situation remains unstable and violence is spilling over into the central and southern regions. In this challenging context, human rights defenders play a crucial role in documenting human rights violations committed by armed groups and State forces, fighting against impunity, and working to build a more democratic and stable society. Because of their work, they are often threatened and attacked.

Mody Samba Touré
Fatimata Touré
Fatouma Harber
31 Agosto 2020

O Jitsi Meet é um software livre e gratuito para chamadas de videoconferência seguras e criptografadas. O Jitsi Meet possui código aberto e usa criptografia de trânsito, que ocorre quando a sua comunicação é codificada antes de ser enviada do seu dispositivo e então decodificada no servidor, processada, e então codificada novamente para chegar até as outras pessoas participantes. É uma plataforma confiável, porém é sempre importante garantir a segurança usando em servidores seguros como os listados abaixo.

