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6 Maio 2019

Dispatches 2018

Dispatches 2018 presents the work Front Line Defenders has undertaken around the world for the protection and security of human rights defenders at risk in 2018, including the impact of grants, training, advocacy, visibility, rest & respite and other programs. In 2018, Front Line Defenders joined with HRDs in marking the 20th Anniversary of the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders and the 70th Anniversary of the Universary Declaration of Human Rights; at the 2018 Human Rights Defenders World Summit in Paris, Front Line Defenders joined with other international human rights organisations to host over 150 HRDs from around the world, resulting in the development of an Action Plan with specific recommendations to states, coporations and other stakeholders on the protection of and support for HRDs. At the end of this auspicious year, Front Line Defenders was named one of the winners of the 2018 UN Prize in the Field of Human Rights, presented by the UN General Assembly President at a ceremony at UN Headquarters in New York.

Download Dispatches 2018

It is the impact of human rights defenders that is usually the most important factor in the level of repression that they face. The concerted and escalating global backlash against human rights defenders, independent media and civil society is, in some ways, a reflection of the growing strength of the global human rights movement. There are more human rights defenders, working on more issues, in more countries, than ever before.
- Andrew Anderson
Executive Director
