Atena Daemi
Activists and artists hit by new wave of harsh sentencing by Iran judiciary
Le 25 mai 2018, Atena Daemi adresse une lettre depuis la prison Evin.
“I was due to be released today after almost five years behind bars. But everyone knows that as long as the Islamic Republic exists, Iran is a prison everywhere. But I am free, so much that they keep thinking they have to imprison me with a new sentence. These sentences sound ridiculous to me, even the lashes! … I am free today because being free does not necessarily mean that you should be on the other side of the bars. Every new sentence affirms that I am free.”
Atena Daemi défend les droits des enfants et les droits humains; elle plaide pour les droits des enfants à Kobane et à Gaza, les droits des femmes et milite contre la peine capitale.