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Blog Post
30 Mars 2018
By Erin Kilbride

Palestinian HRDs Endure Israeli Military Assault on Land Day

The Israeli military is nearly 24 hours into a violent assault on tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians and human rights defenders demanding the return of their land in Gaza. Twenty-four hours or 70 years, depending on how you're counting.

Blog Post
Niober Garcia Fournier
1 Novembre 2017
By Lorena Cotza

Niober had been planning and looking forward to this trip for months. It took him almost two days to reach Havana international airport from his town in Guantanamo, Cuba, but he still arrived well before his flight. He'd budgeted in plenty of time, knowing security is tight and checkpoints are common across the island. At the airport, just before the final security line, an officer from the Ministry of Interior quietly took him to a side. The officer told Niober he could not board the plane.

Blog Post
Press conference Bamako - October 2017
30 Octobre 2017
By Olivia Tchamba

Mariam Diallo Dramé milite depuis son enfance. Elle n'avait que 13 ans lorsqu'elle a créé le Parlement des enfants du Mali, pour protéger les droits des enfants. Aujourd'hui, elle est présidente de l'Association Femmes Leadership et Développement Durable (AFLeD) et elle continue à défendre les droits des femmes et des enfants à la santé, à l'éducation, et aux opportunités de leadership, dans un pays que le Forum économique mondial considère comme l'un des plus dangereux au monde.

Blog Post
Ozlem Dalkiran
14 Septembre 2017

Le bien-être est apparemment dangereux en Turquie. Lorsque mon amie Ozlem Dalkiran a assisté à une formation sur la sécurité holistique, on lui a demandé de dessiner quelque chose qui représente ce qui la préoccupe. C'est le genre de tableau et de post-it se voulant bien intentionnés qui perturbent mon degré de stress, mais Ozlem a joué le jeu et dessiné une carte de la Turquie avec des personnages représentant des personnes fuyant la guerre en Irak et en Syrie à l'est et des amis emprisonnés à Istanbul.

Blog Post
Dilmurod Sayid
23 Mars 2017
By Katsiaryna Borsuk

In September 2016, the man who had ruled Uzbekistan for 27 years died. As often happens when authoritarians pass on, Islam Karimov’s death after so many years in power left questions as to who would fill the vacuum, and whether the country’s new ruler would ease the repressive practices of the past regime. When Shvakat Mirziyoyev quickly emerged as the successor to Karimov, many in the international community believed that there would be some form of liberalisation.

Blog Post
thailand - prachathai office
16 Mars 2017
By Wojtek Bogusz & Anastasia Vladimirova

On 7 March, Wikileaks published a trove of documents showing the United States Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) capabilities to remotely hack devices running Android, iOS, Windows, Mac OS X and others. These leaks demonstrate how the CIA and, very likely, other intelligence services, are able to exploit software and operating systems’ vulnerabilities.
