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Yasir Mirghani

ياسر ميرغني

HRD, Pharmacist
Sudanese Consumers Protection Society (SCPS)

ياسر ميرغني هو مدافع عن حقوق اﻹنسان في السودان، وطبيب صيدلي، ويشغل منصب رئيس الجمعية السودانية لحماية المستهلك

والتي تم تأسيسها فى العام 1998م ، والتى تكافح الفساد وتدافع عن حق المواطنين فى الحماية من انتهاكات الشركات والتجار. وهو أيضاً عضو فى كونفدرالية منظمات المجتمع المدني والتى تضم فى عضويتها أكثر من خمسين منظمة حقوقية فى السودان.


Human rights defenders are vulnerable to arbitrary arrest and detention by the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS). The 2010 National Security Act grants the NISS extensive powers to arrest and detain people up to four and a half months without judicial review, and with complete impunity when the detention is arbitrary. Human rights defenders have been held incommunicado, without access to legal representation, and family visits have been refused without reasons. Detained HRDs have been often held in NISS cells that fall outside the jurisdiction of prisons laws and regulations, where they have also suffered ill-treatment and torture.