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Case History: Han Hui Hui

Summoned to Court
About the situation

On 23 September 2015, human rights defender Ms Han Hui Hui was due to appear in Court following a summons, which she received on 20 September in relation to charges of public nuisance for organising and participating in a demonstration without approval.

About Han Hui Hui

Han Hui HuiHan Hui Hui is a blogger and human rights defender. She uses her blog and social media to highlight shortcomings in social services, especially in health and housing issues, as well as to raise public awareness of human rights violations in Singapore. She has participated in the organisation of awareness programmes and events on children's rights, and the right to freedom of expression, democracy and human rights. As well as this, she has facilitated training camps on democracy for youth activists.

1 Octubre 2015
Human rights defender Han Hui Hui summoned to appear before court

On 23 September 2015, human rights defender Ms Han Hui Hui was due to appear in Court following a summons, which she received on 20 September in relation to charges of public nuisance for organising and participating in a demonstration without approval.

Because she was abroad at the time, she was unable to attend. Han Hui Hui is at risk of arrest on her return to Singapore.

On 20 September 2015, Han Hui Hui was summoned to appear before the Court three days later, on charges related to public nuisance. The charges were brought against her and five other protesters on 27 October 2014 and relate to a public demonstration which was held on 27 September 2014 in Hong Lim Park.

The protesters were accused of disturbing a charity carnival which was taking place in the park, organised by welfare organisation YMCA. The carnival was allegedly interrupted, as the participants of the demonstration marched and shouted criticisms during the speech of the special guest at the event, Minister of Trade and Industry, Mr Teo Ser Luck. The protest was intentionally held in the vicinity of the carnival in order to raise awareness among the people attending the event.

The police argued that the demonstration was carried out without permission. However, Han Hui Hui and Mr Roy Ngerng, blogger and co-organiser of the protest, received approval from the administration of the Hong Lim Park in advance. On 11 October 2014, before being officially charged, Han Hui Hui was questioned by the police for seven hours about the protest.

Previously, in 2013, Han Hui Hui was targeted by the Council of Private Education (CPE) due to criticisms she expressed in her emails to the Head of the CPE and other recipients. CPE accused her of defamation and demanded that she refrain from forwarding further copies of the emails and to make a public apology, or otherwise face legal action. The issue was finally settled in an agreement between both parties.