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Makhabat Tazhibek Kyzy and Azamat Ishembekov sentenced to prison time

About the situation

On 10 October 2024, the Leninskiy District Court in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, ruled to sentence women human rights defender and journalist Makhabat Tazhibek Kyzy and human rights defender and akyn Azamat Ishembekov to six and five years of prison time respectively. The Court found the human rights defenders guilty of “calls for mass civil unrest,” criminal offences under Part 2 of Article 41 and Part 3 of Article 278 of Kyrgyzstan’s Criminal Code. Two other human rights defenders and journalists, Aktilek Kaparov and Ayke Beyshekeeva, received three years of probation for the same charges. The human rights defenders will appeal this decision.

About the HRD

Azamat Ishembekov is a human rights defender, journalist, and akyn collaborating with the YouTube-based project Ayt Ayt Dese, which aims at popularising human rights issues by performing and publishing folk songs on human rights topics. Azamat Ishembekov has uncovered and addressed corruption in Kyrgyzstan, transforming investigative materials of Temirov live media outlet into traditional art forms and poetry.

10 October 2024
Makhabat Tazhibek Kyzy and Azamat Ishembekov sentenced to prison time

On 10 October 2024, the Leninskiy District Court in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, ruled to sentence woman human rights defender and journalist Makhabat Tazhibek Kyzy and human rights defender and akyn Azamat Ishembekov to six and five years of prison time respectively. The Court found the human rights defenders guilty of “calls for mass civil unrest,” criminal offences under Part 2 of Article 41 and Part 3 of Article 278 of Kyrgyzstan’s Criminal Code. Two other human rights defenders and journalists, Aktilek Kaparov and Ayke Beyshekeeva, received three years of probation for the same charges. The human rights defenders will appeal this decision.

Temirov Live is a YouTube-based investigative media outlet founded in 2020 by Bolot Temirov, a Kyrgyz human rights defender and journalist focused on corruption investigations. Ayt Ayt Dese is a YouTube project that popularizes human rights issues by performing and publishing folk songs on related topics, including some based on Temirov Live's investigations.

On 10 October 2024, Leninskiy District Court handed down the prison time sentences for Makhabat Tazhibek Kyzy and Azamat Ishembekov on charges related to “calls for mass civil unrest.” Makhabat Tazhibek Kyzy, the head of Temirov Live and Ayt Ayt Dese, received a six-year prison sentence, while Azamat Ishembekov, a human rights defender and akyn collaborating with Ayt Ayt Dese, was sentenced to five years in prison. Additionally, the Court ruled that the legal custodian and place of residence of a 12-years old son of Makhabat Tazhibek Kyzy and human rights defender and of journalist Bolot Temirov must be determined by the Kyrgyzstani state social services.

The Court also sentenced human rights defenders and journalists Aktilek Kaparov and Ayke Beyshekeeva to three years of probation. Probation does not entail prison time, but restricts the ability of the human rights defenders to leave the country and imposes state control over their life and work. In case the rules of probation are violated, the Court can revisit the verdict and sentence both to prison time, too. Such conditions will limit the ability of the defenders to carry out their human rights work. Seven other human rights defenders and journalists were acquitted due to a lack of evidence. The Court hearing was closed to the public, similarly to the previous hearings, and only few journalists received a permission to hear the verdict.

On 16 January 2024, all 11 journalists and human rights defenders were arrested, accused of organizing "calls for mass civil unrest," offences under Part 2 of Article 41 and Part 3 of Article 278 of Kyrgyzstan’s Criminal Code. The trial began in June 2024 and has been held behind closed doors, with journalists prohibited from recording proceedings. Many attendees were unable to enter the courtroom due to its limited size. President Sadyr Japarov has repeatedly criticized both Temirov Live and Ayt Ayt Dese, labeling them as “bloggers” and “journalists with no professional qualifications,” accusing them of irresponsibly publishing information that threatens national security and alleging that they are “receiving money for this.”

Front Line Defenders strongly condemns the prison time sentences to woman human rights defender and journalist Makhabat Tazhibek Kyzy and human rights defender and akyn Azamat Ishembekov. The organization also condemns the sentencing of Aktilek Kaparov and Ayke Beyshekeeva to probation. Front Line Defenders sees these sentences as a retaliation for the defenders’ legitimate and peaceful human rights work; the organization sees this trial and the results of it as having a chilling effect on the human rights work of independent investigative journalism in Kyrgyzstan, being in line with the overall attack against human rights media.

Front Line Defenders urges the Kyrgyzstani authorities not to exploit the fate of a minor in this trial, as it can constitute an additional act of retaliation against woman human rights defender Makhabat Tazhibek Kyzy. Front Line Defenders urges the authorities of Kyrgyzstan to immediately and unconditionally drop all charges against human rights defenders and journalists Makhabat Tazhibek Kyzy, Azamat Ishembekov, and their colleagues, and to end the judicial harassment against human rights journalists in the country.