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تأريخ الحالة: شعوان جبارين

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في الأول من مارس/آذار 2016، تلقى السيد شعوان جبارين، المدافع عن حقوق الإنسان والمدير العام لمؤسسة "الحق" لحقوق الإنسان، تهديدات هاتفية بالقتل من مجهول. وتأتي هذه التهديدات في سياق تزايد المضايقات على مؤسسة الحق وأعضائها أثناء نشاطهم الأخير في المحكمة الجنائية الدولية سعياً منهم في تحقيق العدالة أمام انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان التي ترتكب في الأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة.

حول شعوان جبارين

Shawan Jabarinشعوان جبارين هو مدافع فلسطيني عن حقوق الإنسان، وهو المدير العام لمؤسسة حق الفلسطينية لحقوق الإنسان. وهو أيضا عضو في المجلس الاستشاري لمنطقة الشرق الأوسط بمنظمة هيومن رايتس ووتش. وكان أول سجين رأي فلسطيني لدى منظمة العفو الدولية، وقد عمل لسنوات لتعزيز حقوق الإنسان في مواجهة الاحتلال الإسرائيلي للأراضي الفلسطينية.

8 مارِس / آذار 2016
اعتداءات ضد المدافع عن حقوق الإنسان شعوان جبارين ومؤسسة حق لحقوق الإنسان

في الأول من مارس/آذار 2016، تلقى السيد شعوان جبارين، المدافع عن حقوق الإنسان والمدير العام لمؤسسة "الحق" لحقوق الإنسان، تهديدات هاتفية بالقتل من مجهول. وتأتي هذه التهديدات في سياق تزايد المضايقات على مؤسسة الحق وأعضائها أثناء نشاطهم الأخير في المحكمة الجنائية الدولية (ICC) سعياً منهم لتحقيق العدالة أمام انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان التي ترتكب في الأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة.

وقد وردت هذه التهديدات في مكالمة هاتفية تلقاها شعوان جبارين من مجهول. واجهت مؤسسة الحق مرارا المضايقات بسبب نشاطها في الدفاع عن حقوق الإنسان في فلسطين. وقد شهدت التهديدات ضد المؤسسة مؤخرا ارتفاعا حادا وذلك بعدما قامت المؤسسة بالضغط على السلطة الفلسطينية للانضمام للمحكمة الجنائية الدولية، وقيامها -بمعية مركز الميزان لحقوق الإنسان، والضمير، والمركز الفلسطيني لحقوق الإنسان، بتقديم طلب إلى مكتب المدعي العام للمحكمة الجنائية الدولية، لحثه على فتح تحقيق في الانتهاكات المستمرة لحقوق الإنسان في فلسطين.

في فبراير/شباط 2016، تلقى محامي حقوق الإنسان الذي يُمَثّل الحق أمام المحكمة الجنائية الدولية أيضا تهديدات مباشرة بالقتل. كما لوحظت أنشطة غير عادية على الهواتف النقالة وحسابات البريد الإلكتروني لموظفي المؤسسة مؤخرا. وقد تعرضت مؤسسة الحق أيضا لهجمات قرصنة مستمرة وفيروسات حصان طروادة. في سبتمبر/أيلول 2015، تلقى العديد من المانحين الأوروبيين لمؤسسة الحق رسائل كاذبة من مجهول يزعم  بأنه مسؤول في السلطة الفلسطينية. في تلك الرسائل، أورد الشخص المجهول ادعاءات عارية عن الصحة ولا أساس لها بأن المنظمة تواجه التحقيق   في"مخالفات مالية وفساد واحتيال وإساءة استخدام التبرعات والأموال".وقد سبق وأن تعرض شعوان جبارين إلى العديد من أعمال المضايقة بسسبب عمله في مجال حقوق الإنسان. في نوفمبر/تشرين الثاني 2011، منعته السلطات الإسرائيلية من السفر إلى الدنمارك لتسلم جائزة من مؤسسة بي إل الدنماركية تقديرا لعمله في مجال حقوق الإنسان. وفي مارس/آذار 2009 كان من المقرر أن يسافر إلى هولندا لتسلم جائزة "غيوزنبيننغ" المقدمة لمؤسسة الحق تقديرا لعملها من أجل الديمقراطية وضد التمييز، إلا أن المحكمة العليا الإسرائيلية قررت التمسك بقرار سابق لحظره من السفر وبالتالي لم يسمح له بالسفر. وقد واجه أول قرار حظر سفر فرض ضده في أكتوبر/تشرين الأول 2006، عندما رفضت السلطات الإسرائيلية السماح له بمغادرة الضفة الغربية لحضور مؤتمرات في مجال حقوق الإنسان في مختلف البلدان.

23 فِبرايِر / شباط 2012
Human rights defender Mr Shawan Jabarin allowed under strict conditions to travel to Geneva to meet a UN expert

On 22 February 2012, the Supreme Court granted Mr Shawan Jabarin permission to go to Geneva to meet with Mr Frank La Rue, the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression despite a travel ban being in place against him.

On 22 February 2012, following an appeal hearing at the Israeli Supreme Court, the court allowed Shawan Jabarin to travel to Geneva once under strict conditions including the payment of a financial guarantee for the sole purpose of going to the UN offices to meet Mr La Rue.

In 2006, shortly after Shawan Jabarin was appointed director of Al-Haq, a travel ban was imposed against him based on “secret evidence” from Israel's General Security Service that neither Jabarin or his lawyers have been allowed to see or challenge. Since then he has not been permitted to travel outside of the Israeli- occupied West Bank which had negatively impacted on his human rights work.

Shawan Jabarin has not been charged with any crime and Front Line Defenders believes that the travel ban imposed against him is solely related to his human rights activities.

1 ديسَمْبِر / كانون الأول 2011
Travel ban on human rights defender Mr Shawan Jabarin continues

On 28 November 2011, leading Palestinian human rights defender Shawan Jabarin was prevented by the Israeli authorities from crossing the Allenby/King Hussein Bridge on the Jordan-West Bank border to travel to Denmark to accept a prize from the Danish PL Foundation in recognition of his human rights work.

Shawan Jabarin was also planning to go to New York to attend Human Rights Watch's Middle East and North Africa Advisory Committee board meeting and to attend the EU-NGO Forum on Human Rights to be held in Brussels. The Danish PL Foundation 2011 Prize for Freedom has been jointly awarded to Al-Haq and B’Tselem, a prominent Israeli human rights group. The two groups also shared the Geuzen Medal in 2009, awarded by a Dutch anti-Nazi group, but Shawan Jabarin was prevented from travelling to the Netherlands to receive the award at the time.

The Israeli authorities claim that allowing Shawan Jabarin to travel abroad would pose a threat to Israel's security and refer to an Israeli court ruling which found him guilty of belonging to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), which the Israeli authorities regard as a terrorist organisation. The court ruling was based on secret materials provided by the Israeli intelligence which were not disclosed in the courtroom, nor shown to the Defence.

Shawan Jabarin has been unable to travel outside the West Bank since 2006, which has negatively affected his legitimate human rights work. As an eminent human rights defender, Shawan Jabarin is known for the rigorous and impartial work in exposing human rights violations committed by the Israeli authorities, and for publicly condemning acts of torture perpetrated by the Palestinian authorities and suicide killings carried out by armed Palestinian groups.

19 مارِس / آذار 2009
Israeli Supreme Court upholds travel ban against Palestinian human rights defender, Mr Shawan Jabarin

Front Line is concerned following the decision of the Israeli Supreme Court to uphold a travel ban against Palestinian human rights defender, Mr Shawan Jabarin, on 10 March 2009. Shawan Jabarin was scheduled to travel to the Netherlands on 13 March 2009 to receive the Geuzenpenning Award, on behalf of Al Haq.

On 10 March 2009, the Israeli Supreme Court passed a decision to uphold a travel ban against Shawan Jabarin following two separate hearings on 5 March and 9 March 2009. The hearing of 5 March 2009 was attended by Ms Hina Jilani, Front Line Board member and former Special Representative of the UN Secretary General on Human Rights Defenders. Shawan Jabarin's lawyer made special mention of her presence and submitted her report on Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) as part of his evidence. The hearing was also attended by Front Line's Director, Ms Mary Lawlor, and Deputy Director, Mr Andrew Anderson. Both Mary Lawlor and Andrew Anderson had met with Shawan Jabarin in Ramallah on 3 March 2009.

Spokeswoman of the Israeli Court, Ayelet Filo, claimed that Shawan Jabarin was “involved with terror groups” and that the court had “real evidence” of this, meaning that Shawan Jabarin would not be allowed to travel due to security concerns. The online edition of daily newspaper Haaretz reported that Ms Edith Kwakernaak, spokeswoman of the Geuzen Resistance Foundation in the Netherlands, said that the group was shocked and disappointed by the Israeli decision and that freedom of movement is a human rights principle.

Over the course of the two hearings - parts of which were conducted ex parte with only the judges, the State Attorney and members of the Israeli General Security Services (GSS) present -, the three-judge panel made repeated attempts to resolve the matter by exploring the possibility of a limited travel permit or a 'creative' solution that partially realises the petitioner's ability to enjoy his right to freedom of movement, but the GSS refused to alter their position and the Court eventually deferred to the position of the GSS. Despite acknowledging that denying Jabarin's lawyer access to the 'evidence' against his client may compromise the fairness of the trial, the Court nonetheless upheld the travel ban on the sole basis of the secret 'evidence' that Shawan Jabarin is an active member of a 'terrorist' organisation.

Since October 2006, Israeli authorities have reportedly denied Shawan Jabarin permission to leave the West Bank for human rights conferences in different countries. However, between 1999 and February 2006, before Shawan Jabarin became General Director of Al Haq, he was allowed to leave the West Bank on eight separate occasions.

5 مارِس / آذار 2009
Open letter to the Defense Minister and the Commander of Military Forces in the West Bank

Today - 3 March 2009 - 10 human rights organisations in Israel wrote to the Defense Minister and the Commander of Military Forces in the West Bank, sharply protesting the denial of the freedom of movement of Shawan Jabarin, Executive Director of the Palestinian human rights organization al-Haq. Since Jabarin was appointed, in 2006, Israel has not allowed him to leave the West Bank. The organisations called for the prohibition on Jabarin’s exiting the West Bank be lifted. Otherwise, he will be prevented from obtaining a prestigious award for al-Haq’s work in advancing human rights.

Between 1999 and 2006, Jabarin was permitted to leave the West Bank eight times. Since his appointment as Executive Director of al-Haq, however, the Israeli authorities have not permitted him to go abroad. Three petitions that Jabarin filed in the Israeli High Court of Justice against the prohibition were denied, based on privileged material provided to the court, on the grounds that he is active in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Jabarin was given no opportunity to confront the allegations against him, and was never questioned or summoned for interrogation.

Last month, al-Haq and B'Tselem were jointly awarded the “Geuzen Resistance 1940-1945” prize. Jabarin is scheduled to accept the award on behalf of al-Haq at a ceremony to be held on 13 March. Three weeks ago, he was informed that he is still prohibited from exiting the West Bank by the Commander of Military Forces in the West Bank.

In their letter, the organisations point out that freedom of movement is a fundamental human right enshrined in international and Israeli law. Prohibiting a person to go abroad, a severe impediment to freedom of movement, is permissible only in exceptional cases, when no other option is available.

On Thursday, 5 March , at 11:30 A.M., the Isreali High Court will hear another petition of Jabarin, filed by attorney Micha’el Sfard, against the movement prohibition imposed on him. Mary Lawlor, Executive Director of Front Line is attending the hearing.

4 فِبرايِر / شباط 2009
Travel ban on human rights defender, Mr Shawan Jabarin

Front Line is concerned following reports that a travel ban has been imposed on Mr Shawan Jabarin, General Director of Al Haq, an independent Palestinian non-governmental organisation based in Ramallah, West Bank. Shawan Jabarin was scheduled to travel to the Netherlands on 13 March 2009 to collect a human rights prize on behalf of Al Haq. No formal order has been issued, nor have the authorities explained why the travel restrictions have been imposed. The Israeli High Court of Justice allegedly rejected a petition to overturn the travel ban on the basis of “secret evidence”, which was not disclosed to Shawan Jabarin or his legal advisors.

Since October 2006, Israeli authorities have reportedly denied Shawan Jabarin permission to leave the West Bank for human rights conferences in different countries. However, between 1999 and February 2006, before Shawan Jabarin became General Director of Al Haq, he was allowed to leave the West Bank on eight separate occasions.