Jorge Hernández Castro
Testimony by Jorge Luis Hernández Castro
Le travail des défenseur·ses des droits humains devient inconfortable et frustrant, car ceux qui détiennent le pouvoir utilisent tous les outils à leur disposition pour blesser, tuer, détenir, délégitimer et criminaliser le travail de celles et ceux d'entre nous qui se consacrent à la défense de l'espoir.

Jorge Luis Hernández Castro is the Director of Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas in Chiapas, Mexico. For more than 20 years the organisation has worked for the defense and promotion of human rights, particularly of indigenous peoples in the state of Chiapas, Mexico. It documents and denounces human rights violations, with an emphasis on the issues of arbitrary deprivation of life, torture, arbitrary deprivation of freedom, forced disappearances, internal displacement, attacks against defenders of human rights and criminalization of social protest. The organisation promotes the right to autonomy of indigenous peoples from defending their right to land and territory and promotes national and international solidarity to communities that are vulnerable to become victims of human rights violations