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Antécédents de l'affaire: Adil Bakheit

À propos de la situation

Le 18 juillet 2016, le défenseur des droits humains Adil Bakheit comparaitra devant la cour d'assise centrale de Khartoum. Il est accusé de sept infractions pénales, notamment d'avoir "engagé une guerre contre l'État".

L'audience est reportée au 18 août.

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À propos d'Adil Bakheit

Adil BakheitAdil Bakheit est membre du Conseil d'administration de Sudan Human Rights Monitor (SHRM), une organisation membre de la Confederation of Sudanese Civil Society Organisations, qui surveille les violations des droits humains au Soudan. Adil Bakheit contribue aussi à plusieurs groupes de la société civile au Soudan en tant que formateur indépendant de journalistes et de défenseur-ses des droits humains.

15 Juillet 2016
Audience des défenseur-ses des droits humains Adil Bakheit et Khalafalla Alafif Mukhtar

Le 18 juillet 2016, les défenseurs des droits humains Adil Bakheit et Khalafalla Alafif Mukhtar comparaitront devant la cour d'assise centrale de Khartoum. Ils sont accusés de sept infractions pénales, notamment d'avoir "engagé une guerre contre l'État". Khalafalla Alafif Mukhtar est détenu au parquet de Khartoum depuis le 22 mai 2016, avec ses collègues Mustafa Adam et Midhat A Hamdan. Les charges sont liées à une formation organisée par TRACKS sur la responsabilité sociale.

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Adil Bakheit est un défenseur des droits humains soudanais, membre du conseil de Sudanese Human Rights Monitor (SHRM), qui documente les violations des droits humains, apporte une aide juridique aux victimes d'exactions perpétrées par l'État et défend les minorités au Soudan. Khalafalla Alafif Mukhtar est défenseur-ses des droits humains et directeur du Khartoum Centre for Training and Human Development (TRACKS), qui organise des formations notamment sur les droits humains et les technologies de l'information.

Le 26 mars 2016, près de 10 agents en civil du Service national de la sûreté et du renseignement (NISS) ont perquisitionné les locaux de TRACKS à l'occasion du dernier jour d'une formation de 5 jours sur la "responsabilité sociale et la citoyenneté active". Aucun mandat de perquisition n'a été présenté, et des ordinateurs fixes et portables et des documents appartenant à TRACKS ont été saisis.

Adil Bakheit a été arrêté et accusé d'"actes conjoints pour mener à bien un complot criminel, complot criminel, actes visant à saper le système constitutionnel, guerre contre l'État, appel à s'opposer à l'autorité publique par la violence ou la force criminelle, publication de fausses informations et s'être fait passé pour un fonctionnaire". Les crimes de guerre contre l'État et d'acte visant à saper le système constitutionnel sont passibles de la peine de mort. Le 3 juin 2015, il a été libéré sous caution. Plus tard, en mai 2016, Khalafalla Alafif Mukhtar a été accusé des mêmes infractions.

Le 29 février 2016, des agents en civil du NISS ont mené une seconde perquisition des bureaux de TRACKS sans présenter de mandat. Le NISS a envoyé les employés présents au poste de police où ils ont été interrogés, insultés, maltraités et menacés.

Le 22 mai 2016, Khalafalla Alafif Mukhtar, Mustafa Adam, Midhat A Hamdan et leurs collègues Nudaina Kamal, Arwa Elrabie, Imany-Leyla Raye, Hassan Kheiry, Khuzaini El Hadi et Al Shazali Ibrahim Al Sheikh ont reçu l'ordre de se présenter devant le parquet pour un interrogatoire à propos de la perquisition menée le 26 mars 2015. Nudaina Kamal a été libérée peu après son arrestation, Arwa Elrabie et Imany-Leyla Raye ont été libérés sous caution le 30 mai et Hassan Kheiry, Khuzaini El Hadi et Al Shazali Ibrahim Al Sheikh ont été libérés le 7 juin. Cependant, Khalafalla, Mustafa Adam et Midhat A Hamdan sont toujours détenus au parquet, dans une cellule étroite de 3 mètres sur 5 faiblement ventilée.  La santé de Khalafalla se détériorerait rapidement en raison de ses problèmes cardiaques et les visites de sa famille ne sont permises que sur autorisation du procureur en chef, et souvent, la famille n'a pas cette autorisation.

Front Line Defenders est profondément préoccupée par les actes répétés de harcèlement et d'intimidation contre TRACKS et ses membres, ainsi que contre tous les militants associés au centre, ainsi que par les accusations portées contre Khalafalla Alafif Mukhtar et Adil Bakheit, car cela semble directement motivé par leur travail légitime et pacifique en faveur des droits humains.

Front Line Defenders exhorte les autorités de la République du Soudan à:

1. Abandonner immédiatement toutes les accusations portées contre Adil Bakheit et Khalafalla Alafif Mukhtar;

2. Libérer immédiatement et sans condition Khalafalla Alafif Mukhtar, Mustafa Adam et Midhat A Hamdan;

3. Assurer que le traitement de Khalafalla Alafif Mukhtar, Mustafa Adam et Midhat A Hamdan pendant leur détention corresponde à toutes les conditions établies dans les  « Principes fondamentaux relatifs à la Protection de Toute Personne contre Toute Forme de détention ou Emprisonnement » adoptés par l'Assemblée Générale dans sa résolution 43/173 du 9 décembre 1988 ;

4. Autoriser les défenseur-ses des droits humains susmentionnés à contacter immédiatement et sans entrave leurs familles et leurs avocats;

5. Garantir qu’en toutes circonstances, tous-tes les défenseur-ses des droits humains en République du Soudan puissent mener à bien leurs actions légitimes en faveur des droits humains, sans craindre ni restrictions ni représailles.

27 Mai 2016
Human rights defenders unlawfully charged and arbitrarily detained

Human rights defenders Mr Khalafalla Alafif Mukhtar and Mr Adil Bakheit are currently being detained at the Prosecutor’s Office in Khartoum, following their arrest on 22 May 2016. The human rights defenders were arrested in relation to charges against them for a training they attended in March of last year. The training was held at the premises of the Khartoum Centre for Training and Human Development (TRACKS), of which Khalafalla Alafif Mukhtar is the Director. Both human rights defenders are facing serious criminal charges including “undermining the constitutional system” and “waging war against the State”, considered as crimes against the State and punishable by the death penalty.

Download the Urgent Appeal (PDF)

Khalafalla Alafif Mukhtar is a Sudanese human rights defender and director of TRACKS, a Khartoum-based organisation which provides and facilitates trainings on a variety of topics ranging from human rights to information technology. Adil Bakheit is a Sudanese human rights defender and a member of the Board of Trustees of Sudanese Human Rights Monitor organisation (SHRM), a Khartoum-based human rights group and member organisation of the Confederation of Sudanese Civil Society Organisations, documenting human rights violations in Sudan, providing legal assistance to victims of State abuse and working on the defence of minorities in Sudan.

Human rights defenders Khalafalla Alafif Mukhtar and Adil Bakheit, along with eight staff members and activists associated with the Centre are currently being detained in the office of the Prosecutor for State Security in Al-Amarat district, Khartoum since 22 May 2016. The two human rights defenders and two staff members, Ms Nudaina Kamal and Mr Hassan Kheiry, were requested to report to the aforementioned office after a court hearing at the Khartoum Central Criminal Court on 22 May 2016, following a summons they received on 19 May 2016. The hearing was postponed until 8 June 2016 and all four remain in detention. No charges have yet been filed against the two staff members and no official reason has been given for the summons they received. A further nine staff members were summoned to report to the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) after the court session, eight of which are in detention.

Khalafalla Alafif Mukhtar's health is reported to be deteriorating rapidly due to a weak heart condition. He was quickly transferred to the Police Hospital on 25 May 2016 before being placed in a narrow cell at the Prosecutor’s office, which he shares with the other male TRACKS detainees, including trainers Hassan Kheiry and Midhat A Hamdan, office supervisor Al Shazali Ibrahim Al Sheikh, accountant Khuzaini El Hadi, Mustafa Adam and a guest of the centre. The two female staff members, volunteer Imani-Leyla Raye and administration manager Arwa Ahmed Elrabie were requested to stay in the reception area and are held in a different office room during the night. Ms. Nudaina Kamal was released shortly after her arrest as she is on maternity leave.

Both Khalafalla Alafif Mukhtar and Adil Bakheit are facing seven serious charges under the 1991 Criminal Act including “joint acts in the execution of criminal conspiracy, criminal conspiracy, undermining the constitutional system, waging war against the State, calling for opposition to public authority by use of violent or criminal force, publication of false news, and impersonating a public servant.” The Prosecutor for Crimes against the State in charge of the case can sentence the detainees to the death penalty under Article 50 for “undermining the constitutional system” and Article 51 for “waging war against the State”. The charges pertain to a raid on TRACKS offices last year for organising a training on social responsibility.

TRACKS was subjected to a second office raid on 29 February 2016, by plain-clothed NISS agents who did not produce a warrant. They confiscated staff members' passports, which have not yet been returned, and referred them to the police station where they were interrogated, verbally abused, ill-treated and threatened. The raid was carried out in connection with the case brought against the Director of TRACKS, following the previous raid on 26 March 2015.

Front Line Defenders expresses grave concern for the detention and criminal charges brought against Khalafalla Alafif Mukhtar and Adil Bakheit, which it believes to be solely motivated by their peaceful work in the defence of human rights. It also expresses concern at the recent pattern of judicial harassment and unlawful investigations which have been intensely increasing over the past few months, against human rights defenders and organisations, as well as the increased use of arbitrary detention by the NISS as a tool for the repression of the work of human rights defenders in Sudan.

Front Line Defenders urges the authorities in the Republic of the Sudan to:

1. Immediately and unconditionally release human rights defenders Khalafalla Alafif Mukhtar and Adil Bakheit, and all staff members of TRACKS and drop all charges against them, as Front Line Defenders believes that they are being held solely as a result of his legitimate and peaceful work in the defence of human rights;

2. Ensure that their treatment, while in detention, adheres to the conditions set out in the ‘Body of Principles for the Protection of All Persons under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment', adopted by UN General Assembly resolution 43/173 of 9 December 1988;

3. Immediately return the passports of staff, trainers, as well as visitors to the Centre, and refrain from any further harassment of the human rights organisation;

4. Guarantee in all circumstances that all human rights defenders in the Republic of the Sudan are able to carry out their legitimate human rights activities without fear of reprisals and free of all restrictions.

6 Mai 2015
Adil Bakheit conditionally released

On 3 May 2015, human rights defender Mr Adil Bakheit was released from detention on bail.

Prior to his release, Adil Bakheit had appealed the State Security Prosecution Office's decision to charge him on the basis of seven articles of the Criminal Act, 1991. The charges included criminal conspiracy, calling for opposition to public authority through the use of violence, publication of false news, waging war against the State, and impersonating a public servant. These charges remain outstanding and Bakheit faces the possibility of rearrest at any time. The human rights defender was also charged with offences against the State undermining the constitutional system, punishable by life imprisonment or the death penalty, however this charge has been dropped.

Adil Bakheit was summoned and subsequently detained on 18 April 2015 at Al Awasat Police Station, and there charged by the State Security Prosecution Office. The charges against Adil Bakheit are reportedly based on a human rights workshop he conducted on 26 March 2015 at the Tracks Training Centre. Documents and laptops were confiscated on that day, including Adil Bakheit's laptop.

17 Avril 2015
Human rights defender Adil Bakheit arrested

Sudan's National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) arrested human rights defender Adil Bakheit on 16 April 2015 in Khartoum.

Bakheit's arrest occurred at the Tracks Training Centre. He was subsequently held in custody at Al Awasat Police Station, where the State Security Prosecution Office charged the human rights defender based on seven articles of the Criminal Act 1991, including criminal conspiracy, calling for opposition to public authority through the use of violence, publication of false news, offences against the State undermining the constitutional system, waging war against the State, and impersonating a public servant.

The charges against Bakheit are reportedly based on a human rights workshop he conducted on 26 March 2015 at the Tracks Training Centre. Documents and laptops were confiscated on that day, including Bakheit's laptop, and three of the centre's staff were interrogated following a raid on the premises. The charges against the human rights defender mean he faces possible sentences amounting to life imprisonment or the death penalty.

Sudan Human Rights Monitor and its members have previously been targeted by the NISS. On Sunday, 21 December 2014 at approximately 12 pm, a group from the NISS raided the premises of the organisation and forced the cancellation of a workshop focused on training for shadow reporting for the United Nations Universal Periodic Review which was being held there.

Bakheit's arrest is indicative of a widespread crackdown on citizens working for reform and advocating for human rights in Sudan.

The NISS arrested human rights defender Amin Mekki Medani on December 6, 2014 and detained him incommunicado until 21 December 2014. His arrest was connected to his support for the "Sudan Call," a document drafted by opposition groups and civil society members calling for a peaceful and popular democratic transformation. The Special Anti-Terrorism Court in Khartoum began its trial against Medani on 23 February 2015, on charges of “undermining the constitutional system” and “waging war against the state.” both of which are presumably punishable by death. After an extended trial, the Minister of Justice froze the case against Medani and released him from jail on 9 April 2015.

Less than a week later, on April 12, unidentified men kidnapped human rights defender Sandra Kodouda from her car. Kodouda, an outspoken advocate for youth, women, and environmental rights, returned home four days later with multiple injuries. Local rights groups and family members publicly blamed the NISS for her disappearance.