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14 Enero 2016

Tal como lo documenta nuestro informe anual, por lo menos 156 defensores/as de derechos humanos fueron asesinados o murieron estando detenidos/as durante el año 2015.Más de la mitad de esos asesinatos, 87 de ellos, tuvieron lugar en Latinoamérica, de los que 54 ocurrieron en Colombia. Fuera de América, una de las cifras más tremendas fue un total de 31 asesinatos dirigidos específicamente hacia los/as DDH en Filipinas.

1 Diciembre 2015

Many companies now realise that wherever they operate, their ultimate licence to operate comes not only from legal agreements with governments, but also from their acceptance by workers, consumers, and the communities that surround them or are impacted by them. It does not mean that every company has got it right; nor does it mean it is always the fault of companies. In many instances, governments keen to build infrastructure, attract investment, or develop the economy are willing to disregard the views of communities, the rights of workers, or of consumers.

13 Enero 2015

The Front Line Defenders 2015 Annual Report, Human Rights Defenders, Lives in the Balance, examines in detail the deteriorating situation for human rights defenders (HRDs) around the world, in the period January – December 2014.

10 Agosto 2008

All over the world, women defend the rights of individuals and communities facing oppression, discrimination and violence. Their work is powerful, and controversial. And it often meets with bitter, and violent, opposition.

Most women human rights defenders (WHRDs) are well aware of the risks they face. Activists know, from painful experience, the price that many pay for putting their bodies, and their families, on the line.

