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Take Action
24 February 2016

On 19 February 2016, a group of ten men claiming to be border police officers came to the house of human rights defender Ms Anchana Heemmina in the Songkhla province of southern Thailand and questioned and photographed the human rights defender's mother without presenting a warrant. Front Line Defenders calls on the Thai authorities to immediately cease all harassment of Anchana Heemmina and of her family.

8 April 2021

With teams continuing to work remotely during COVID-19, we are all facing questions regarding the security of our communication with one another: Which communication platform or tool is best to use? Which is the most secure for holding sensitive internal meetings? Which will have adequate features for online training sessions or remote courses without compromising the privacy and security of participants?

Front Line Defenders presents this simple overview which may help you choose the right tool for your specific needs. In this guide we provide:

Workbook on Security
23 June 2016

The Front Line Defenders Workbook on Security has been inspired by the hundreds of HRDs from over 50 countries who have attended Front Line Defenders workshops on security and protection. These HRDs have been able to continue their work because they have taken steps to manage their security. They have assessed their situation in a systematic way and developed strategies and tactics which best suit their unique environment.

4 December 2020

Ideas & tips for human rights defenders

Let us know of your protection ideas or suggestions based on your experience that may benefit other HRDs or HROs at risk, we will develop this guide further.

This guide is available in Arabic, French, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish, Chinese, and Farsi. Click on the language tab (above right) to access your preferred language.

14 January 2016

As the 2016 Annual Report documents, at least 156 human rights defenders were killed or died in detention in 2015. More than half of those killings, 87, took place in Latin America, with Colombia alone accounting for 54 killings. Outside the Americas one of the starkest figures was the total of 31 targeted killings of HRDs in the Philippines.

Take Action
1 June 2017

On 29 May 2017, the house of human rights defender Maitree Chamroensuksakul was raided by police while he was returning from a meeting with the U.N. Special rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders, Michel Forst, during an unofficial visit to Bangkok on 26 and 27 May 2017. The raid took place in the the village of Chaiyaphum Pasae, a Lahu human rights defender who was shot dead by military officials earlier this year, during an alleged anti-drug operation in Ban Kong Phak Ping, in the Chiang Dao district of Thailand’s northern Chiang Mai province. Maitree Chamroensuksakul was a mentor of Chaiyaphum Pasae’s and a primary witness in his murder. On the same day, the defender’s sister-in-law, Nawa Ja-ue, and the cousin of Chaiyaphum Pasae, Chanthana Pasae, were arrested and accused of handing drugs to Chaiyaphum Pasae on the day he was killed.

Take Action
16 August 2016

On 15 August 2016, it was reported that following 9 days of a hunger strike to protest his arrest, human rights defender Jatupat Boonpattararaksa became semi-conscious with a fever in Phu Khiao District Prison. Jatupat Boonpattararaksa, along with his colleague Wasin Prommanee were arrested on 6 August 2016 for violating the Constitutional Referendum Act while campaigning against the draft of a new constitution in Thailand.

11 January 2020

Global Analysis 2019 details the physical assaults, defamation campaigns, digital security threats, judicial harassment, and gendered attacks faced by HRDs and women human rights defenders (WHRDs) around the world. As recent events from Hong Kong to Baghdad have demonstrated, HRDs are at the forefront of social change and face significant threats and risks for doing so – whether demanding civil and political freedoms or protecting the environment and combating climate change.

5 April 2017

Dispatches 2016 presents the work Front Line Defenders has undertaken around the world for the protection and security of human rights defenders at risk in 2016, including the impact of grants, training, advocacy, visibility, rest & respite and other programs, as well as the launch of the HRD Memorial, honoring HRDs killed since the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders in 1998.

Download Dispatches 2016

19 March 2020

Human rights defenders at risk often find it difficult to talk about their mental and emotional wellbeing, even when they are concerned about it. Cultures of human rights practice tend to emphasise self-sacrifice, heroism, and martyrdom. These norms inhibit defenders from expressing their anxieties and seeking help.

16 April 2020

Dispatches 2019 presents the work Front Line Defenders has undertaken around the world for the protection and security of human rights defenders at risk in 2019, including the impact of grants, training, advocacy, visibility, rest & respite and other programs. In 2019, Front Line Defenders hosted 114 HRDs at the biennial Dublin Platform; presented its annual Awards to 5 LGBTI+ rights defenders in honor of the 50th annivesary of the Stonewall Uprising; and provided 626 protection grants to HRDs around the world.

7 January 2019

Global Analysis 2018 details the physical assaults, defamation campaigns, digital security threats, judicial harassment, and gendered attacks faced by HRDs and women human rights defenders (WHRDs). December 2018 marked the 20th Anniversary of the HRD Declaration and the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but HRDs around the world continue to face lethal threats from state, non-state, and corporate actors in their peaceful struggles for rights.

22 February 2016

Dispatches 2015 highlights the challenges facing Front Line Defenders in providing fast and effective support to human rights defenders around the world, as the space in which HRDs can work safely continues to shrink.

