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Mansour Mohamed Atti Al-Maghrabi

HRD, Journalist & Head
Civil Society Commission, Ajdabiya

Mansour Mohamed Atti Al-Maghrabi, is a human rights defender, journalist, blogger and head of the Red Crescent Committee and of the Civil Society Commission in Ajdabiya. He is also a producer of “Shatt al-Hurriya”, a comedy and satiric television series about everyday life in Libya. The human rights defender led a conference on 31 May in Ajdabiya to raise awareness and mobilise citizens to participate in the upcoming elections on 24 December 2021. On 26 May, he also participated in a joint committee formed by the Civil Society Commission and the High National Election Commission, to prepare electoral monitoring by civil society organisations.


While the conflict remains the main source of risk and insecurity for HRDs, human rights activism is also constrained by limitations on freedom of association, peaceful assembly and expression.