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Mahienour El-Masry

Mahienour El-Masry

HRD, Lawyer
Ludovic-Trarieux Human Rights Prize

The prison ward is a small society. I feel that I am among my family–they all advise me to focus on my future prospects when I get out. I tell them that the people deserve better, and that we have not yet attained justice, and that we will keep trying to build a better society.

Mahienour El-Masry works to promote judicial independence and prisoners' rights by organising peaceful protests, raising awareness through social media and organising support for political prisoners in the form of solidarity events and fundraising for bail for prisoners.


A significant crackdown on civil society in Egypt has been taking place since 2014. HRDs face an extremely challenging situation due to restrictions imposed on civil society and peaceful public gatherings and protests, travel bans, the arrest and sentencing of HRDs, bloggers, journalists and protesters, as well as an ongoing smear campaign against human rights groups.


Words of Women from the Egyptian Revolution