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Jeanette Victoria Licandeo Nehuellanca

HRD, President
Mapu – Ko Indigenous Community

Jeanette Victoria Licandeo Nehuellanca is an indigenous Mapuche Williche woman human rights defender, as well as a land and water defender in Wall Mapu, Chifca Medio territory of the San Pablo Comuna, Osorno province, in Chile. She is the current president of the Mapu – Ko Indigenous Community, where she works in the traditional teaching of ancestral indigenous peoples.

In Chile, the teaching of ancestral indigenous peoples cultures, along with the defence of their land and water, remains a significant social, political and cultural issue. In this context, Jeanette has reported the violation of the collective rights of indigenous peoples by authorities that promote the implementation of extractive projects. This affects the Mapuche indigenous peoples access to water for human consumption, and impedes on their acquisition of land suitable for the development of small family farming.

Due to this human rights work, Jeanette has received constant threats from these authorities, and has having her water supply cut in her home, as a form of reprisal.