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Chang Weiping

Chang Weiping (常玮平)

HRD, Lawyer

Chang Weiping (常玮平) is a human rights lawyer based in Baoji city in the northwestern province of Shaanxi. He is known for his public interest litigation in defence of the rights of people facing discrimination because of their health status, sex, gender identity and sexual orientation.

Chang Weiping has also provided pro bono legal counsel to vulnerable groups, including victims of defective vaccines, as well as women, LGBT persons, and persons living with HIV/AIDS and hepatitis B who face discrimination in the workplace. He has also provided legal counsel to petitioners and human rights defenders who face judicial harassment for the legitimate exercise of their human rights.

In late 2018, judicial authorities in Baoji suspended Chang Weiping's practice. Due to the authorities' continued pressure and interference, he was unable to obtain employment at other law firms in 2019. In January 2020, the authorities officially announced the suspension of his lawyer's license.


China General Context

Chinese human rights defenders work across a wide spectrum of issues, engaging with rights violators on numerous levels. Many of China’s most prominent and most stringently prosecuted defenders have worked to protect the health and well-being of victims of physically harmful government and corporate practice, including forced abortion, food health scandals, environmental pollution, and corrupt or negligent government action leading to preventable loss of life.