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The sentencing arguments hearing will be delivered in the trial against the Palestinian human rights defender Sami Huraini

About the situation

On Thursday 26 September 2024, the sentencing arguments hearing will take place in the trial against the human rights defender Sami Huraini. The human rights defender was convicted on 22 August 2023 of “assault of a soldier” and “obstruction of a soldier during duty”.

On 22 August 2023, the Israeli Ofer Military Court convicted human rights defender Sami Huraini on two counts, “assault of a soldier” and “obstruction of a soldier during duty”. The human rights defender was acquitted of the third count of “entering a closed military area”. Sami Huraini has been facing judicial harassment by the Israeli military court system since the beginning of 2021.

On 31 May 2021, the Military Court of Ofer held the second hearing session for human rights defender Sami Huraini. During the hearing the Court heard four witnesses, all of whom are Israeli soldiers who suppressed the peaceful demonstration on 8 January 2021 in south Hebron. The soldiers testified as witnesses against the human rights defender. The hearing was held in Hebrew, therefore international observers from Ireland, the UK, Canada, Switzerland and the EU could not understand as the Court did not permit interpretation of the session.

On 9 January 2021, the Israeli army stormed the house of human rights defender Sami Huraini and arrested him. On 13 January the Military Court of Ofer ordered his release on a bail of 10,000 Israeli shekels (approximately 2,600 Euros) and precautionary measures. Sami Huraini is accused of “assault of a soldier”, “ obstruction of a soldier during duty”, and "entering a closed military area".

About Sami Huraini

Sami HurainiSami Huraini is a Palestinian human rights defender and a board member of the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee (PSCC), a committee that opposes the extension of the illegal Israeli settlement through peaceful demonstrations. Sami Huraini is also a member of the grassroots initiative 'Youth of Sumud', an initiative that was established to peacefully resist the Israeli occupation and the illegal Israeli settlements in Southern Hebron. Sami Huraini has also been involved in protecting the Palestinian civilians from settlers attacks, by escorting Palestinian children to schools and accompanying Palestinian farmers to their lands close to the green line.

19 September 2024
The sentencing arguments hearing will be delivered in the trial against the Palestinian human rights defender Sami Huraini

On Thursday 26 September 2024, the sentencing arguments hearing will take place in the trial against the human rights defender Sami Huraini. The human rights defender was convicted on 22 August 2023 of “assault of a soldier” and “obstruction of a soldier during duty”.

On 22 August 2023, the Israeli Ofer Military Court convicted human rights defender Sami Huraini on two counts, “assault of a soldier” and “ obstruction of a soldier during duty”. Despite the 110 pieces of timestamped video evidence and multiple witnesses supporting the human rights defender’s innocence, Sami Huraini was found guilty. He was acquitted of the third count, “entering a closed military area”.

On 26 September 2024, the sentencing arguments will be presented. During the hearing, the prosecution is expected to push for a harsh outcome, while the defense will advocate for a minimalsentence. Sami Huraini faces a potential maximum sentence of 12 years—7 years for assault and 5 years for obstruction. The final sentencing is likely to be scheduled for next Thursday.

Sami Huraini is a Palestinian human rights defender and a board member of the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee (PSCC), a committee that opposes the extension of the illegal Israeli settlement through peaceful demonstrations. Sami Huraini is also a member of the grassroots initiative Youth of Sumud, which was established to peacefully resist the Israeli occupation and illegal Israeli settlements in Southern Hebron. Sami Huraini, along with his sister Sameeha Huraini, were the Middle East and North Africa award winners of the 2021 Front Line Defenders Award for Human Rights Defenders at Risk.

Sami Huraini has been facing judicial harassment by the Israeli military court system since the beginning of 2021. On 13 January 2021, the human rights defender was released on a bail of NIS 10,000 Israeli shekels (approximately EUR 2,600 at the time) along with precautionary measures, including weekly visits to an Israeli police station. On 9 January 2021, the Israeli army stormed the house of the human rights defender at 2am and arrested him on charges of assault of a soldier, obstruction of a soldier during duty and violation of a closed military zone.

The demonstration was organised to protest against Israeli army violence, particularly following the shooting of Palestinian activist Harun Abu Aram on 1 January 2021who was paralyzed for two years until his death in February 2023 due to his wounds.

Human rights defenders in the South Hebron Hills area working on land rights including Sami Huraini, are frequently and increasingly harassed by both the Israeli military and Israeli settlers due to their peaceful human rights work.

Front Line Defenders deeply condemns the conviction of the human rights defender Sami Huraini as it believes he is solely being targeted as a result of his legitimate and non-violent human rights work. Front Line Defenders calls on the Israeli authorities to immediately quash the conviction against Sami Huraini. It further calls on the Israeli authorities to cease targeting human rights defenders in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, in particular in the South Hebron Hills, and guarantee in all circumstances that they are able to carry out their legitimate human rights work without fear of reprisals, including judicial harassment.

24 August 2023
Human rights defender Sami Huraini convicted on two counts and awaits sentencing

On 22 August 2023, the Israeli Ofer Military Court convicted human rights defender Sami Huraini on two counts, “assault of a soldier” and “obstruction of a soldier during duty”. The human rights defender was acquitted of the third count of “entering a closed military area”. Sami Huraini has been facing judicial harassment by the Israeli military court system since the beginning of 2021.

Sami Huraini is a Palestinian human rights defender and a board member of the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee (PSCC), a committee that opposes the extension of the illegal Israeli settlement through peaceful demonstrations. Sami Huraini is also a member of the grassroots initiative Youth of Sumud, which was established to peacefully resist the Israeli occupation and illegal Israeli settlements in Southern Hebron. Furthermore, Sami Huraini has been involved in protecting Palestinian civilians in the area from settler attacks by escorting Palestinian children to school and accompanying Palestinian farmers to their lands close to the Green Line. Sami Huraini, along with his sister Sameeha Huraini, were the Middle East and North Africa award winners of the 2021 Front Line Defenders Award for Human Rights Defenders at Risk.

On 22 August 2023, human rights defender Sami Huraini was convicted by the Israeli Ofer Military Court of two counts “assault of a soldier” and “obstruction of a soldier during duty”. Despite video evidence and multiple witnesses supporting the human rights defender’s innocence, Sami Huraini was found guilty. He was acquitted of the third count, “entering a closed military area”. The sentence for the human rights defender will be announced during a court session on 30 October 2023. Sami Huraini could face a minimum of six months' imprisonment, a fine, and/or a ban from entering specific areas or participating in peaceful human rights work.

Sami Huraini has been facing judicial harassment by the Israeli military court system since the beginning of 2021. On 13 January 2021, the human rights defender was released on a bail of NIS 10,000 Israeli shekels (approximately EUR 2,600 at the time) along with precautionary measures, including weekly visits to an Israeli police station. On 9 January 2021, the Israeli army stormed the house of the human rights defender at 2am and arrested him on charges of “assault of a soldier”, “obstruction of a soldier during duty” and “entering a closed military area”.

The trial has been marked by the absence of fair trial guarantees since its inception, as evidenced by the fact that Sami Huraini’s lawyer was denied participation in the interrogation process. Furthermore, the hearings were conducted exclusively in Hebrew, with no provision for interpretation, further compromising the transparency and fairness of the proceedings. These instances stand alongside a series of other violations that have cast doubt upon the integrity of the trial.

The arrest of Sami Huraini occurred after his participation in a peaceful demonstration on 8 January 2021. The demonstration was organised to protest against Israeli army violence, particularly following the shooting of Palestinian activist Harun Abu Aram on 1 January 2021. Harun Abu Aram was paralyzed for two years until his death in February 2023 due to his wounds.

Human rights defenders in the South Hebron Hills area, including Sami Huraini, are frequently and increasingly harassed by both the Israeli military and Israeli settlers due to their peaceful human rights work. Sami Huraini's village, At-Tuwani in Masafer Yatta, is located on the border along the Green Line, resulting in frequent harassment and attacks on his community. The Green Line refers to the 1949 Armistice Line, serving as the de facto border between Israel and the remaining historic Palestinian territory, notably dividing pre-1967 Israel from the Occupied Palestinian Territory and holding international recognition.

The escalating violence towards human rights defenders in the area has also affected other family members of the Huraini family. Recently, Mohammed Huraini, a human rights defender and Sami Huraini's brother, was arrested twice on 5 and 8 August 2023. He was accused of fabricated charges related to an attempted attack on Israeli soldiers. He has since been released on bail pending trial.

Front Line Defenders deeply condemns the conviction of the human rights defender Sami Huraini as it believes he is solely being targeted as a result of his legitimate and non-violent human rights work. Front Line Defenders calls on the Israeli authorities to immediately quash the conviction against Sami Huraini. It further calls on the Israeli authorities to cease targeting human rights defenders in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, in particular in the South Hebron Hills, and guarantee in all circumstances that they are able to carry out their legitimate human rights work without fear of reprisals, including judicial harassment.

4 June 2021
Second hearing session for human rights defender Sami Huraini held

On 31 May 2021, the Military Court of Ofer held the second hearing session for human rights defender Sami Huraini. During the hearing the Court heard four witnesses, all of whom are Israeli soldiers who suppressed the peaceful demonstration on 8 January 2021 in south Hebron. The soldiers testified as witnesses against the human rights defender. The hearing was held in Hebrew, therefore international observers from Ireland, the UK, Canada, Switzerland and the EU could not understand as the Court did not permit interpretation of the session.

Sami Huraini is facing the charges of “assault of a soldier”, “obstruction of a soldier during duty” and "entering a closed military area". Sami Huraini is allowed to present his witnesses in the next hearing session, which is scheduled to be held on 25 July 2021.

14 January 2021
Charges brought against human rights defender Sami Huraini

On 9 January 2021, the Israeli army stormed the house of human rights defender Sami Huraini and arrested him. On 13 January the Military Court of Ofer ordered his release on a bail of 10,000 Israeli shekels (approximately 2,600 Euros) and precautionary measures. Sami Huraini is accused of “assault of a soldier”, “obstruction of a soldier during duty”, and "entering a closed military area".

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Sami Huraini is a Palestinian human rights defender and a board member of the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee (PSCC), a committee that opposes the extension of the illegal Israeli settlement through peaceful demonstrations. Sami Huraini is also a member of the grassroots initiative 'Youth of Sumud', an initiative that was established to peacefully resist the Israeli occupation and the illegal Israeli settlements in Southern Hebron. Sami Huraini has also been involved in protecting the Palestinian civilians from settlers attacks, by escorting Palestinian children to schools and accompanying Palestinian farmers to their lands close to the green line.

On 9 January 2021, at 2:00 a.m. the Israeli army stormed Sami Hurainis' house and violently arrested him. The human rights defender i was taken to Kiryat Arba settlement police station, where he was interrogated for few hours. His lawyer was not allowed to participate in the interrogation. After the interrogation Sami Huraini was transferred to Ofer prison. The Military Public Prosecutor accused the human rights defender of “assault of a soldier”, “obstruction of a soldier during duty” and "entering a closed military area". On 13 January 2021, The Military Court of Ofer ordered the release of the human rights defender on a bail of 10,000 (approximately 2,600 Euros), and under precautionary measures which include reporting to the police station every Friday from 8:30 to 3:30. His next hearing session is scheduled to be held on 1 March 2021.

Human rights defender Sami Huraini is being frequently harassed by both the Israeli settlers and Israeli authorities for his peaceful human rights work. His village Tuwani is a border village on the green line, and as a result his community are frequently subjected to harassment and attacks. The arrest of Sami Huraini comes after his participation in a peaceful demonstration on 8 January 2021. The demonstration was organised to protest against Israeli army violence, particularly after the shooting of Palestinian activist Harun Abu Aram, on 1 January 2021, who was shot in the neck from point blank range, which left him with quadriplegia.

Front Line Defenders is deeply concerned regarding the charges against human rights defenders Sami Huraini. Front Line Defenders believe that Sami Huraini is being charged solely as a result of his peaceful human rights work.