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Rubén Figueroa

Rubén Figueroa

El Refugio para Personas Migrantes “La 72”

When people just disappear, their relatives and loved ones are left in an emotional limbo. The mothers I meet tell me it feels like a slow death, not knowing where their sons and daughters are.

Rubén Figueroa is a staff member of El Refugio para Personas Migrantes “La 72” (The “72” Refuge for Migrant Persons), a shelter for immigrants located in Tenosique, Tabasco, southern Mexico. He is also a member of the Movimiento Migrante Mesoamericano (Mesoamerican Migrant Movement).

Human rights defenders (HRDs) and journalists in Mexico are subject to intimidation, legal harassment, arbitrary detention, death threats, acts of physical aggression, enforced disappearances and killings as a result of their activities in defence of human rights and the exercise of freedom of expression and journalism.