Angélique Razafindrazoary Decampe
Angélique Razafindrazoary Decampe is a woman human rights defender and environmental whistleblower. After having spent most of her life in France, she returned to Madagascar to take over her family’s hotel located on the Canal des Pangalanes, home to the Vohibola forest. In 2016, in response to villagers' call to protect this forest, she founded the community association Razan'ny Vohibola. In 2020, she was elected president of the association, becoming the spokesperson for 3,000 villagers.
In 2019, she launched the "Maison Tiaré" project, initially aimed at protecting and supporting victims of incest, but which has become a project for young people in general, offering crucial support to to 13 students pursuing higher education far from home. This project embodies her belief in equal opportunities for success and self-fulfilment.