状况: Questioned Sanja Vasković 5 11 2024Human rights journalist faces defamation lawsuit for exposing corruption 人权侵犯 #诽谤 #司法骚扰 #威胁/恐吓 地点 #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Bosnia Herzegovina
状况: Defamed Mohannad Karajah 14 6 2024Defamation and online violence campaign against human rights defender Mohannad Karajah and Lawyers for Justice 人权侵犯 #诽谤 地点 #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Occupied Palestinian Territory
状况: Defamed Sharifa Madrakhimova 7 5 2024Defamation attack against women human rights defenders Umida Niyazova and Sharifa Madrakhimova 人权侵犯 #口头侮辱 #诽谤 #威胁/恐吓 地点 #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Uzbekistan
状况: Defamed Umida Niyazova 7 5 2024Defamation attack against women human rights defenders Umida Niyazova and Sharifa Madrakhimova 人权侵犯 #口头侮辱 #诽谤 #污名化 #威胁/恐吓 地点 #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Uzbekistan
状况: Judicial Harassment Human Rights Centre 'Viasna' 21 8 2023Homiel branch of human rights organisation Viasna labelled as extremist organisation 人权侵犯 #诽谤 #污名化 #司法骚扰 #其他骚扰 地点 #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Belarus
状况: Granted Medical Access Vida (Vahideh) Rabbani 8 6 2023Vida Rabbani granted medical leave for ten days 人权侵犯 #诽谤 #酷刑/虐待 地点 #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Iran
状况: Defamation Jorge Santos 23 5 2023Defamatory statements against human rights defender Jorge Santos and UDEFEGUA 人权侵犯 #诽谤 #污名化 地点 #Guatemala
状况: Organisation dissolved Mohannad Karajah 5 4 2023 Human rights group Lawyers for Justice is being forcibly terminated by authorities 人权侵犯 #诽谤 #司法骚扰 #威胁/恐吓 地点 #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Occupied Palestinian Territory
状况: Dissolution Lawyers for Justice 5 4 2023Human rights group Lawyers for Justice is being forcibly terminated by authorities 人权侵犯 #诽谤 #司法骚扰 #威胁/恐吓 地点 #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Occupied Palestinian Territory
状况: Acquitted Rasha Azab 29 4 2022Rasha Azab acquitted of charges 人权侵犯 #诽谤 #司法骚扰 地点 #Region: Middle East and North Africa #Egypt
状况: Attacks & Defamation Imad Abu Shamsiyya 26 7 2021Attacks and Defamation Campaign against Imad Abu Shamsiyya & HRDs in Hebron 人权侵犯 #诽谤 #身体攻击 地点 #Occupied Palestinian Territory