状况: Judicial Harassment Leanid Sudalenka 19 6 2024Human rights defender Leanid Sudalenka sentenced to 5 years of prison time in absentia 人权侵犯 #报复 #司法骚扰 地点 #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Belarus
状况: Criminal case launched Barys Haretski 22 5 2024Criminal case against human rights defender in exile Barys Haretski launched 人权侵犯 #司法骚扰 #突袭/闯入/偷盗 地点 #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Belarus
状况: Sentence Completed Leanid Sudalenka 24 11 2023Leanid Sudalenka released following three year sentence 人权侵犯 #司法骚扰 #逮捕/拘留/监禁 #酷刑/虐待 地点 #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Belarus
状况: Transferred Nasta Loika 24 10 2023WHRD Nasta Loika transferred to Homel Penal Colony 人权侵犯 #报复 #司法骚扰 #任意羁押 #逮捕/拘留/监禁 #酷刑/虐待 地点 #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Belarus
状况: Judicial Harassment Human Rights Centre 'Viasna' 21 8 2023Homiel branch of human rights organisation Viasna labelled as extremist organisation 人权侵犯 #诽谤 #污名化 #司法骚扰 #其他骚扰 地点 #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Belarus
状况: Smear campaign The Belarusian Association of Journalists 21 6 2023Belarusian Association of Journalists’ website, social media and logo declared “extremist” 人权侵犯 #污名化 #其他骚扰 地点 #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Belarus
状况: Sentenced Uladzimir Tselyapun 23 9 2022HRD Uladzimir Tselyapun repeatedly sentenced to administrative detention 人权侵犯 #司法骚扰 #逮捕/拘留/监禁 地点 #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Belarus
状况: Sentence extended Nasta Loika 22 9 2022Woman human rights defender Nasta Loika sentenced to another 15 days administrative arrest 人权侵犯 #任意羁押 地点 #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Belarus
状况: Sentenced Maria Rabkova 8 9 2022Woman human rights defender Maria Rabkova sentenced to 15 years of jail time 人权侵犯 #司法骚扰 #逮捕/拘留/监禁 地点 #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Belarus
状况: Restricted Freedom of Movement Volha Harbunova 9 5 2022Volha Harbunova released from detention and sentenced with restrictions on her freedom of movement 人权侵犯 #司法骚扰 #任意羁押 地点 #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Belarus
状况: Detained Taciana Lasica 9 9 2021Court hearings of Leanid Sudalenka, Maryia Tarasenka and Taciana Lasica held behind closed doors 人权侵犯 #司法骚扰 #逮捕/拘留/监禁 地点 #Region: Europe and Central Asia #Belarus