Kennedy Masiye
On 9 November 2014, Zimbabwean human rights lawyer Mr Kennedy Masiye was honoured as Human Right Lawyer of the Year by the Law Society of Zimbabwe for his outstanding contribution to the protection and promotion of human rights in the country. The prestigious human rights award is aimed at promoting human rights litigation, advocacy and culture among young lawyers in Zimbabwe. The human rights lawyer was unfortunately unable to attend the presentation of the award at the Law Society's Summer School in Nyanga as he was recovering in hospital following an assault by police officers as he attempted to protect his clients during a peaceful protest in Africa Unity Square in Harare. His colleague, lawyer David Hofisi, accepted the award on his behalf.
Kennedy Masiye is a human rights lawyer affiliated with Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights, an organisation promoting the rule of law and a culture of human rights in Zimbabwe. He focuses primarily on litigating public interest cases, providing legal counsel to human rights defenders, and on civic education. He volunteers in his local community and beyond to educate people on their fundamental rights through mobile clinics and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law