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Case History: Wilson Jaramillo

Died on 23 September 2013
About the situation

Mr Wilson Jaramillo passed away from natural causes on 22 September 2013. On 4 August 2012 Mr Oscar Arturo Orozco and Mr Wilson Jaramillo had been shot at as they travelled to a meeting, despite the fact that they were travelling with Government provided security guards.

About Wilson Jaramillo

Wilson Jaramillo was the Secretary General of CUT Caldas and member of Caldas branch of the Movimiento Nacional de Víctimas de Estado - MOVICE (National Movement of Victims of the State).

26 Eylül 2013
Death of Human Rights Defender Wilson Jaramillo

Front Line Defenders is deeply saddened to learn of the death of human rights defender Mr Wilson Jaramillo, who passed away from natural causes on 22 September 2013. MOVICE issued a statement in which they remembered the longstanding human rights defender:

“Compañero Wilson Jaramillo, you began your journey towards eternity as a result of natural causes, not when those who threatened you, harassed you and persecuted you, imposed upon you. Go in peace dear friend, go with the assurances that your struggle to defend the rights of street sellers, your commitment to the rights of the workers in Caldas and your dedication to the retrieval of the memories and dignity of victims of State crimes, remain in our memories and will be an example for the younger generations and for those who continue in the struggle for respect and the defence of human dignity”.

9 Ağustos 2012
Attempted assassination of human rights defenders Oscar Arturo Orozco and Wilson Jaramillo

On 4 August 2012 Mr Oscar Arturo Orozco and Mr Wilson Jaramillo were shot at as they travelled to a meeting, despite the fact that they were travelling with Government provided security guards.

Oscar Arturo Orozco is President of the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores de Caldas – CUT (Colombian Confederation of Workers) and President of the Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Energía de Colombia in Caldas – SINTRAELECOL (Electrical Union of Colombia).

Wilson Jaramillo is the Secretary General of CUT Caldas, and both are members of Caldas branch of the Movimiento Nacional de Víctimas de Estado - MOVICE (National Movement of Victims of the State).

On 4 August 2012 Oscar Arturo Orozco and Wilson Jaramillo were travelling to Arauca to a meeting of fisherfolk from the region, when their vehicle was attacked about 5 kilometres from their destination, in Santagueda, Palestina. The vehicle was shot at more than 14 times by an individual on a motorbike and also from what appeared to a person hiding in a ravine nearby. As a result of the quick reaction by the bodyguards nobody was injured in the incident.

The human rights defenders were en route to chair a meeting with local fisherfolk who have been denouncing environmental irregularities caused by the Central Hidroelectrica de Caldas - CHEC (Caldas Hydroelectric Power), arguing that the adverse effects of the CHEC actions is negatively impacting their livelihoods.

Since 2011 the SINTRAELECOL offices have been receiving a number of leaflets with messages cut-out from newspapers and magazines threatening the life of Oscar Arturo Orozco. In July 2012 one of these leaflets also had photographs of bullet casings.