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Women’s Initiative Supporting Group

The Women's Initiatives Support Group (WISG) is a prominent Georgian feminist organization founded in 2000. Its mission is to support the equal participation of women, including lesbian, bisexual, and trans* persons in society. WISG aims to advance feminist ideas in Georgia, support women's activism, and create a safe space to combat sexism, discrimination, and homo/bi/transphobia. Through strategic planning, the organization seeks to promote feminist principles and enhance the social inclusion of LGBTI women via advocacy and empowerment. WISG is also recognized for its research and policy work on sexual orientation, gender identity, and advocacy to recognise women's contributions to society.

Human rights defenders in Georgia are often subjected to physical attacks, threats and insults, defamation, and slander. In most cases, these forms of intimidation are levelled against those who protect and promote the rights of migrants and members of national, religious, or sexual minorities, as well as those working on politically sensitive cases and in remote areas where they have almost no opportunities for protection.