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Media Development Foundation

The Media Development Foundation (MDF) is a prominent non-governmental organization formed in 2008 by professional journalists committed to promoting fundamental human rights, freedoms and critical thinking. By encouraging conscious media consumption, MDF aims to build a resilient, open and pluralistic society. In addition, the organization supports the media in their professional and institutional growth. In 2014, MDF launched Myth Detector, a fact-checking and myth-busting platform designed to address misinformation. Since 2016, MDF has been collaborating with EUvsDisinfo, a flagship project of the Eastern StratCom Task Force of the European External Action Service.

Human rights defenders in Georgia are often subjected to physical attacks, threats and insults, defamation, and slander. In most cases, these forms of intimidation are levelled against those who protect and promote the rights of migrants and members of national, religious, or sexual minorities, as well as those working on politically sensitive cases and in remote areas where they have almost no opportunities for protection.