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Georgian Association of Young Lawyers

The Georgian Association of Young Lawyers (GYLA) is a well-known non-governmental organization established in 1994 by young lawyers to promote the rule of law, and to raise awareness and contribute to the protection of human rights. Today, GYLA plays a crucial role in advancing legal standards and protecting human rights in Georgia, with over 100 staff members and 800 association members. GYLA provides legal consultations free of charge, represents citizens in Georgian and international courts, and advocates for legal reforms to ensure the legislative protection of human rights. The association also monitors government actions to ensure transparency and accountability, including over 15 years of election monitoring. In the context of the Anti Foreign funding Law protests, attacks on freedom of speech and assembly have intensified, meaning GYLA's role in protecting the rights of those arrested during peaceful protests has become increasingly critical. In 2013, GYLA was a finalist of the Václav Havel International Human Rights Competition.

Human rights defenders in Georgia are often subjected to physical attacks, threats and insults, defamation, and slander. In most cases, these forms of intimidation are levelled against those who protect and promote the rights of migrants and members of national, religious, or sexual minorities, as well as those working on politically sensitive cases and in remote areas where they have almost no opportunities for protection.