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Arbitrary detention of human rights defender Madani Ali Abdel Rahman

About the situation

On 26 July 2020, human rights defender Madani Ali Abdel Rahman was released from arbitrary detention, since being detained on 20 July.

On 20 July 2020, human rights defender Madani Ali Abdel Rahman was detained by the authorities of North Darfur while carrying out his work as a human rights lawyer.

About Madani Ali Abdel Rahman

Madani Ali Abdel RahmanMadani Ali Abdel Rahman is a human rights lawyer, and a member of the Darfur Bar Association, an organisation of lawyers across Sudan who provide legal aid to civil and political activists. Their work is centred around human rights, victims of torture, cases of arbitrary detention and issues regarding freedom of expression. Through his work as a human rights lawyer, Madani Ali Abdel Rahman has focused on cases regarding the Emergency Regulations in Sudan, which are routinely used to target human rights defenders.

28 июля 2020
Madani Ali Abdel Rahman Released

On 26 July 2020, human rights defender Madani Ali Abdel Rahman was released from arbitrary detention, since being detained on 20 July.

Whilst detained, the defender was subjected to severe torture by the Kutum Military Intelligence officers who initially detained him, and police officers in Al-Fasher. He was severely beaten and subjected to electric shocks, and as a result of the torture he faced, Madani Ali Abdel Ragman is suffering with multiple injuries.

The defender was held in arbitrary detention for six days, after being detained whilst carrying out his work as a human rights lawyer.

24 июля 2020
Arbitrary detention of human rights defender Madani Ali Abdel Rahman

On 20 July 2020, human rights defender Madani Ali Abdel Rahman was detained by the authorities of North Darfur while carrying out his work as a human rights lawyer.

Madani Ali Abdel Rahman is a human rights lawyer, and a member of the Darfur Bar Association, an organisation of lawyers across Sudan who provide legal aid to civil and political activists. Their work is centred around human rights, victims of torture, cases of arbitrary detention and issues regarding freedom of expression. Through his work as a human rights lawyer, Madani Ali Abdel Rahman has focused on cases regarding the Emergency Regulations in Sudan, which are routinely used to target human rights defenders.

On 20 July 2020, the authorities in the state of North Darfur detained Madani Ali Abdel Rahman in Kutum city before he was due to meet the Public Prosecutor. The defender was due to submit a request for the whereabouts of the persons detained on 13 July during a protest against reported human rights violations in the Fata Borno IDP camp in Kutum, to be disclosed. He was then questioned and detained for one day before being transferred on 21 July to Al-Fasher Intelligence detention centre, where he is being held at the time of writing. Madani Ali Abdel Rahman is being detained under the Emergency Regulations, which deprives detainees of some of their fundamental rights.

Front Line Defenders is deeply concerned regarding the arbitrary detention of human rights defender Madani Ali Abdel Rahman, as it believes he is being detained as a result of his peaceful and legitimate human rights work in Sudan.