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Blog Post
2 февраля 2019

In October last year, I had the privilege of meeting Damian Gallardo for the first time. It is a name I heard many times since 2013, when he was arrested in the middle of the night in his home in Oaxaca; since then Front Line Defenders – with many others – supported him and his family and campaigned for his release. I met him in what had been his home for five years, a high security prison outside Guadalajara, in the state of Jalisco.

Blog Post
Oyub Titiev in court
5 декабря 2018
By Masha Chichtchenkova

На прошлой неделе я была на судебных заседаниях по делу Оюба Титиева, главы грозненского офиса Правозащитного Центра “Мемориал”, который совершенно абсурдно обвиняется в хранении наркотиков. Я познакомилась с Оюбом Титиевым в 2009 году, уже после похищения и убийства нашей общей любимой коллеги Натальи Эстемировой.

Blog Post
Sun Shihua
3 декабря 2018
By Sun Shihua

Every word in this article is a stab in my heart. 20 September 2018 was the darkest, most frightening and most humiliating day in my near two decades’ practice as a lawyer.

1. A newbie to a criminal case

Blog Post
28 ноября 2018
By Erin Kilbride

A few days before my friend Fatima* boarded a plane back to Bahrain last month, she sent me an blank email with no subject line. Attached was a PDF file labelled “RISKS.” It listed nearly twenty dates on which she had been threatened, harassed, interrogated, banned from travel, or watched her brothers be thrown in prison in retaliation for her human rights work.

Blog Post
Le Dinh Luong
24 октября 2018

Le Dinh Luong is a Vietnamese HRD who advocated on behalf of victims of the 2016 Formosa factory pollution incident, which resulted in the loss of livelihood and sometimes life of thousands of Vietnamese fishermen and farmers. In August, he was found guilty of "carrying out activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration” and sentenced to 20 years in prison, with an extra 5 years of house arrest afterward.

Blog Post
Berta Caceres - protest
22 октября 2018
By Emma Achilli

The European Union is currently developing Guidelines on the Right to Water. Human rights defenders protecting their communities’ access to water around the world face lethal risks for their work, and their expertise must be central to the EU’s proposed Guidelines.

Blog Post
19 октября 2018
By Tanya Singh & Haseena Manek
Blog Post
Helena Heloisa
27 сентября 2018
By Heloisa Helena Costa Berto

A guest blog by Afro-Brazilian HRD Heloisa Helena Costa Berto, from correspondence to Front Line Defenders Americas Protection Coordinator (published at request of the HRD, translated from Portuguese)

Good morning, I know you have nothing to do with this, but I have to express myself. I need to make a complaint about how public bodies treat people who thinks differently. I am looking for rights, not only mine, but for a community, defending and denouncing injustices.

Blog Post
