Esther Finda Kandeh
Esther Finda Kandeh is a human right activist in the natural resource governance in Sierra Leone.
She is the founder and director of Women on Mining and Extractives (WoME). She has participated in several low reform programs to address the challenges women are faced with in mining communities.
WoME is a national NGO that works in mining communities with women and young people to raise awareness, build capacity and advocate on the right of affected people especially women. In a country where women are not considered to be part of decisions making processes and benefit very little from the mining activities. They organize women, build their confidence to ask questions and advocate for themselves. Our work has in different ways increase the conciseness of women and authorities on their right of women in the extractive sector.
She also working with some women that have suffered rap by miners and have no justice for the action. Some have left with permanent scares and are traumatized by that. WoME offered them trauma support programs through counselling and economic support programs