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17 October - Who Tells the Story?

Aest-ethics is just the way art/artists can see the ethical commitments – the responsibility that comes with presenting other peoples’ stories, and the gravity and consequences of that; and subjects’ self-determination just speaks to the control people have over how their stories are told which is so important because they are extensions of ourselves. 

Register Here

Time: Sunday 17 October, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Venue: Online, hosted by Sandrine Ndahiro and Alice Feldman

Tickets: Free


Alice Feldman – Co-chair
Sandrine Ndahiro- Co-chair
Caoimhe Butler
Ala Buisir

Panel abstract will be provided once acceptance for inclusion to programme is determined.

Ala Buisir 

Ala Buisir is a documentary photographer currently residing in Ireland with roots in Libya. Her work documents the social and political tension around us today. The aim is to raise awareness by presenting events through different perspectives in hopes that it may also bring about change.




Dr Alice Feldman

Dr Alice Feldman is a lecturer in the School of Sociology at UCD. Her work inheres in transdisciplinary experiments at the intersections of art, research and teaching. It centres on convening ‘uncomfortable encounters’ and collective inquiries engaging ‘aesthesic’ pedagogies around concerns of colonial inheritances and entanglements, racial justice, decoloniality, reflexive solidarities and creative/cultural agency. Over the last two decades she has also worked in research, advisory and volunteer capacities for an array of groups involved in anti-racism, intercultural and integration initiatives. Through collaborations with a range of activists, artists and students for these many years, she has cultivated a knowledge justice praxis which became the foundations for the MA Race, Migration and Decolonial Studies ( she convened in 2017.


Sandrine Ndahiro

Sandrine Uwase Ndahiro is an English Ph.D. student in the University of Limerick. Sandrine’s research centres on third generation African writers, such as Afrofuturists, who have emerged during the era of late liberalism and who have introduced multiple and nuanced perspectives for reflecting on African lives and aspirations. She co-produced a documentary entitled Unsilencing Black Voices which details personal stories and accounts by members of the black community in Ireland. She is currently an artist in residency in Visual Carlow where she is directing a new documentary film that looks at Irishness from a localised setting. Sandrine is also the co-founder and co-editor in chief of a new online magazine called Unapologetic. Unapologetic is a multidisciplinary, literary, cultural, and artistic response to the social issues and creative opportunities of contemporary Ireland, offering a reboot and upheaval. 

Caoimhe Butterly

Caoimhe Butterly is an educator, therapist, documentary film-maker and human rights activist. She worked for over 20 years with refugee & undocumented commmunities and human rights defenders in Haiti, Mexico, Guatemala, Palestine, Iraq, Lebanon and Syria. She has spent the past seven years engaged in Search and Rescue, shore support and psycho-social resourcing work, with those making refuge-seeking journeys across the Central Med and Aegean seas to Europe.