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Sabghatullah Abdul Haq

HRD, Member
Baloch Yakjehti Committee (BYC)

Sabghatullah Abdul Haq is a human rights defender and member of the Baloch Yakjehti Committee (BYC) which is an organization focused on advocating for the human rights of the Baloch people in Pakistan. The human rights defender was active in the sit in protest in Turbat, Balochistan against the extra judicial killing of four persons who had been victims of enforced disappearance in November 2023. He participated in the Baloch Long March in 2023 and was also present at the Baloch National Gathering held on 28 July 2024 in Gwadar city, Balochistan. The gathering was organized by the BYC to highlight human rights violations in Balochistan. The human rights defender was reportedly detained by officers of the Pakistan army from Gwardar city on 29 July 2024. His whereabouts are currently unknown.