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Pablo Sibar

Pablo Sibas Sibas


Pablo Sibas Sibas is a Brörán indigenous rights defender, particularly the rights to freedom, autonomy and land. The defender has promoted peaceful resistance initiatives for the restitution of indigenous lands that were usurped by non-indigenous occupiers. For more than 40 years, Pablo Sibas Sibas, as well as many other Brörán indigenous people, have been discriminated by the Costa Rican authorities, and attacked by land grabbers. His human rights work began in 1980, together with defender Sergio Rojas, who was assassinated on 18 March 2019, in retaliation for his activities in defense of human rights.

Costa Rica

The lack of response from government officials and police forces makes the situation of indigenous peoples in Costa Rica even more vulnerable in their fight for land demarcations and the regulation of the Law of Indigenous Autonomy.