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Pablo Chargonia

Pablo Chargonia

HRD, Lawyer & Member
Observatorio Luz Ibarburu
IACHR Statement

IACHR condemns death threats in Uruguay (en español)

Radio Cooperativa Article

“En Uruguay hay una impunidad generalizada para los violadores de derechos humanos”

Dr. Pablo Chargoñia is a lawyer who specializes in cases of state terrorism.

Pablo Chargoñia works on legal proceedings for crimes against humanity and support for victims since 2000. In Uruguay, impunity persists for grave human rights violations committed during the dictatorship (1973-1985), partly due to military intelligence services protecting perpetrators of crimes. In recent years, Pablo has been threatened as a result of his work. In February 2017, self-proclaimed "Barneix Command" threatened to kill 13 people HRDs including Dr. Chargoñia. The case motivated the concern of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. The Uruguayan justice system has not been able to identify the perpetrators of the threats and the Uruguayan State has not adopted any measures of protection for these human rights defenders.

Dr Pablo Chargoñia has been in a member of Observatorio "Luz Ibarburu", a network of social organizations in Uruguay whose purpose is to promote criminal cases for violations of human rights committed during the Uruguayan dictatorship, and to spread information about them.


IACHR - HRDs in Uruguay working on transitional justice