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Miguel Ángel Zenón

HRD, Founding Member
Central Unitaria de Trabajadores & Organización Nacional del Poder Popular - ONPP

Miguel Ángel Zenón has been a human rights defender for 25 years, and was a founding member of the Central Union of Workers (Central Unitaria de Trabajadores) and the National Organisation of Popular Power (Organización Nacional del Poder Popular - ONPP). Additionally, he has worked with communities from San Pedro Atlapulco, San Salvador Atenco, as well as from Oaxaca,Chiapas and, most recently, the Otomí indigenous community from San Francisco Xochicuautla, in the defence of their territories. Furthermore, he has advocated for the release of political prisoners in the entire country.


Human rights defenders (HRDs) and journalists in Mexico are subject to intimidation, legal harassment, arbitrary detention, death threats, acts of physical aggression, enforced disappearances and killings as a result of their activities in defence of human rights and the exercise of freedom of expression and journalism.