Ligia Arreaga
En Panamá, "los primeros que irrespetan a la naturaleza son los funcionarios encargados de defenderla", asegura Ligia Arreaga, una ambientalista que suma una década de activismo a favor de la selva del Darién, el tapón natural que une a Panamá y Colombia.
Ligia Arreaga is the Coordinator of the Alianza por un Mejor Darién (AMEDAR - Association for a Better Darien) and an investigative journalist at SERTV. AMEDAR is an organisation dedicated to the environmental conservation of the Matusagaratí Lagoon wetlands, a 50,000 hectares area in the province of Darien of which only 15,000 are protected. Matusagaratí is the largest wetland and fresh water reservoir in Panama, in addition to being the home to wide-ranging biodiversity. Ligia Arreaga has constantly denounced the unlawful privatisation and environmental destruction of the Matusagaratí wetland.