Laila Moghrabi
Fighting for Native American rights, poetic justice and Mali’s women
Laila Moghrabi - Libya
لا أدري متى يمكنني العودة إلى بلدي، لكنني مع ذلك لن أتخلى عن مبادئي، ومستمرة في العمل الثقافي ودعم حرية التعبير والإبداع، والدفاع عن حقوق الانسان في أن يعيش آمناً في بلده، رغم ما أمر به من مصاعب ومعاناة عائلتي الصغيرة بسببي
Laila Moghrabi is a journalist, photographer, filmmaker and editor in Libya. In 2013, Laila helped establish a group called Tanweer which launched a used books festival. Members of the group quickly began receiving threats from Islamic extremists and Laila decided to take a break from writing. However, in 2016, she edited a collection of essays and poetry which included work from prominent Libyan literary critics. The collection, entitled Sun on Closed Windows, was condemned by the Libyan authorities as being immoral while a passage of the book with sexual content was photographed and shared by Islamic extremists.