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Hitler Ananias Gonzales Rojas

Hitler Ananias Gonzales Rojas

HRD, President
Central Unica Nacional de Rondas Campesinas del Peru - CUNARC

Hitler Ananias Gonzales Rojas was a well-known campesino leader and president of Central Unica Nacional de Rondas Campesinas del Peru - CUNARC (Peasant Patrols). He was also a prominent human rights defender and vice-president of Frente de Defensa del Yagén (Yagén Defence Front). On 28 December 2015, four unidentified gunmen shot and killed him in the province of Celendin, Cajamarca region.

Prior to his assassination, the human rights defender had been actively involved in opposition to the development of the Chadín II hydroelectric project in the Marañón River. The hydroelectric project, which is being led by the Brazilian company Odebrecht, has faced strong opposition from local communities due to alleged negative consequences arising from its development, including population displacement and environmental damage.

While many human rights defenders (HRDs) can operate freely in Peru, those working on the environment, in particular on the environmental and human rights impact of the extractive industry, face harsh repression, including intimidation, smear campaigns, death threats, surveillance, and judicial harassment. Journalists and trade unionists have also been targeted.