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Carlos Perez Guartambel

Carlos Pérez Guartambel

HRD, President
Confederación de Pueblos de la Nacionalidad Kichwa del Ecuador – ECUARUNAR

As well as being a human rights defender, Yaku (Carlos) Pérez Guartambel is also an indigenous leader and the president of Confederación de Pueblos de la Nacionalidad Kichwa del Ecuador – ECUARUNARI (Confederation of the Kichwa Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador), an organisation whose main objective is to promote awareness of human rights abuses against indigenous communities and achieve the protection and promotion of human rights in Ecuador, particularly the rights of indigenous peoples.


Human rights defenders have been victims of a wide range of violations in Ecuador, such as police brutality, judicial harassment, arbitrary detentions, smear campaigns, threats, harassment and the oppression of indigenous and campesino communities.


Carlos Pérez Guartambel En Focus