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Bob Rugurika

Bob Rugurika

HRD, Editor-in-Chief
Radio Publique Africaine
BBC Article

Burundians celebrate as journalist Bob Rugurika freed

France 24 Article

Bob Rugurika : "Le Burundi est devenu une vaste prison pour les journalistes"

Burundi has become a vast prison for journalists.

Bob Rugurika is the Director of Radio Publique Africaine – RPA (African Public Radio), a private radio station of Burundi known for dealing with human rights-related issues. The human rights defender has been under surveillance and received threatening phone calls in the past, due to the RPA's human rights activities.


The targeting of human rights defenders (HRDs) through the use of violence or the threat of violence has been a worrying trend, in addition to the use of repressive legislation as a means of curtailing their work. Defamation, terrorism and anti-corruption legislation have been used against members of civil society.


Interview de Bob Rugurika (French)