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Aydil del Carmen Urbina Noguera

HRD & Legal Representative
Foundation for the Communitarian Development

Aydil del Carmen Urbina Noguera is a human rights defender and legal representative of the Fundación para el Desarrollo Comunitario – FUNDECOM (Foundation for the Communitarian Development). The organization fosters community development focused on the welfare of the poorest and most marginalized families in urban and rural areas of Nicaragua, promoting human development, citizen participation, self-management and advocacy with institutions and local governments.


Local human rights defenders are facing smear campaigns led by public officials, death threats, attacks and judicial harassment. Women human rights defenders working to advance sexual and reproductive rights as well as combating violence against women and girls have been particularly targeted by pro-government forces, as the feminist movement remains one of the most well organised networks pressing not only for women's human rights but also against corruption and authoritarianism.