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Actions for Democracy and Local Governance – ADLG

Actions for Democracy and Local Governance – ADLG  advocates for active participation of citizens, local democracy and governance in the Shinyanga region of Tanzania. ADLG’s activities include civic education and community mobilisation and its work particularly focuses on mining, farming and fishing communities. ADLG has been running its governance programme since 2011 and a core component of the programme has been the capacity building of community members through training sessions and on-going mentoring and coaching.

HRDs in Tanzania work in a relatively complex environment despite a prevailing level of stability that the country enjoys in comparison to neighbouring countries in the African Great Lakes region. Subtle forms of threats to human rights defenders are regularly recorded, particularly during electoral seasons. Occasional physical attacks against prominent human rights defenders have been noted in the past, and were never followed with meaningful investigations.

Human rights defenders working in peripheral areas far away from Dar Es Salaam, the capital city, face particular challenges ranging from constant police harassment, poor access to donor funding and low capacity to articulate a coherent advocacy strategy.