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Mits Ambebi

Mits Ambebi is a regional media outlet specializing in reporting human rights and social issues affecting rural communities and high mountanous regions in Georgia. The media outlet provides a vital platform for underrepresented voices by highlighting the unique challenges faced by remote and marginalized communities. The media outlet also trains local citizen journalists to document and share their stories using simple, easy to use technology. Through in-depth reporting and community engagement, Mits Ambebi brings attention and contributes significantly to the coverage and understanding of human rights issues in rural areas, advocating for the rights and well-being of rural people. Mits Ambebi has received numerous awards from organizations, including from Joshua Friedman, the European Journalism Center, the United Nations Children's Fund [UNICEF] and the Charter of Journalistic Ethics of Georgia prize. It also received a nomination in the most prestigious European Union Prize.

Human rights defenders in Georgia are often subjected to physical attacks, threats and insults, defamation, and slander. In most cases, these forms of intimidation are levelled against those who protect and promote the rights of migrants and members of national, religious, or sexual minorities, as well as those working on politically sensitive cases and in remote areas where they have almost no opportunities for protection.