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Green Alternative

Green Alternative, founded in 2000, is a well-known Georgian non-governmental organization dedicated to environmental justice and sustainable development. The organization's mission is to protect Georgia's environment, biodiversity and cultural heritage by promoting socially and economically responsible alternatives, fighting for environmental justice and ensuring public access to information and decision-making processes. Green Alternative focuses on several key issue areas, which include: energy, climate change, transportation, privatization, biodiversity, waste and water management, environmental governance, and public access to decision-making. The organization advocates against the negative impacts of hydropower development projects and transport projects, and for the environment and community’s rights threatened by non-transparent privatization processes. They also address policy-level issues, challenging recent changes to environmental legislation that provide undue exemptions for project developers.

Human rights defenders in Georgia are often subjected to physical attacks, threats and insults, defamation, and slander. In most cases, these forms of intimidation are levelled against those who protect and promote the rights of migrants and members of national, religious, or sexual minorities, as well as those working on politically sensitive cases and in remote areas where they have almost no opportunities for protection.