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Colectivo Guanajuato

Colectivo por la Libertad de Expresión en Guanajuato

Colectivo por la Libertad de Expresión en Guanajuato is a group composed of more than 30 journalists and human rights defenders who promote the free exercise of journalism and the right to freedom of expression. The independent platform is present in several municipalities of Guanajuato. Formed in 2014, the Colectivo has participated in the process of approval of the Law for the Protection of Journalists and Human Rights Defenders in Guanajuato, in the drafting regulations, and is part of the State Protection Council, chaired by the Secretary of Government.


Human rights defenders (HRDs) and journalists in Mexico are subject to intimidation, legal harassment, arbitrary detention, death threats, acts of physical aggression, enforced disappearances and killings as a result of their activities in defence of human rights and the exercise of freedom of expression and journalism.