Status: Released from prison Mehman Huseynov 2 November 2018Mehman Huseynov released after two years in jail Violations #Judicial Harassment #Physical Attack Location #Azerbaijan
Status: Released into exile Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh 18 October 2018Me Nam released from prison, arrives in USA Violations #Arrest / Detention / Imprisonment #Other Harassment #Physical Attack Location #Region: Asia Pacific #Vietnam
Status: Attacked Peaceful Resistance of the Micro-region of Ixquisis 17 October 2018Armed attacks against the Peaceful Resistance of Ixquisis Microregion and community members Violations #Physical Attack Location #Guatemala
Status: Home attacked Elena Semenova 11 October 2018Attempted arson attack on the house of Elena Semenova Violations #Physical Attack Location #Kazakhstan
Status: Home attacked by arson Margoth Escobar 5 October 2018Arson attack at the home of woman human rights defender Margoth Escobar Violations #Physical Attack Location #Ecuador
Status: Under Attack & Killings Movimiento Ríos Vivos Antioquia (MRVA) 26 September 2018Movimiento Rios Vivos Antioquia under attack Violations #Attempted Killing/Assassination #Physical Attack Location #Colombia
Status: Assaulted Pham Doan Trang 22 August 2018Pham Doan Trang interrogated and beaten Violations #Judicial Harassment #Questioning / Interrogation #Physical Attack Location #Vietnam
Status: Sentenced Le Dinh Luong 21 August 2018Le Dinh Luong sentenced to 20 years imprisonment Violations #Judicial Harassment #Arrest / Detention / Imprisonment #Physical Attack #Torture / Ill-Treatment Location #Vietnam
Status: Attacked & Detained Comité Campesino del Altiplano – CCDA 16 August 2018CCDA members beaten and detained in Cobán Violations #Arrest / Detention / Imprisonment #Physical Attack Location #Guatemala
Status: Detained and released Iván Bordón 1 August 2018Iván Bordón attacked and detained by the police in Tostado Violations #Arrest / Detention / Imprisonment #Physical Attack Location #Argentina
Status: Facing threats and attacks Peaceful Resistance of the Micro-region of Ixquisis 26 July 2018Smear campaign, threats and police violence against the Peaceful Resistance of Ixquisis Microregion Violations #Smear Campaign #Physical Attack #Threats / Intimidation Location #Guatemala