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Woman human rights defender Hortensia Telesforo Jiménez attacked during protest

About the situation

On 5 September 2024, woman human rights defender Hortensia Telésforo Jiménez was verbally attacked during a protest alongside members of the originary community of San Gregorio Atlapulco, located in the Xochimilco district of Mexico City (CDMX). The protest was organized in her support as a human rights defender, who had been summoned for a hearing at the Prosecutor’s office regarding a potential case of criminalization against her.

About the HRD

Hortensia Telésforo Jiménez is a woman human rights defender from the originary community of San Gregorio Atlapulco, Xochimilco, CDMX. She has played a key role in organizing efforts to address challenges faced by her community, particularly in defending their land, water rights, and the use of chinampas, an ancient agricultural method. In December 2022, the community faced repression by police for peacefully opposing a construction project by the Water System of Mexico City that was not properly consulted with them. Due to her human rights work, Hortensia Telesforo Jiménez has been targeted by local authorities and political agents, including a physical attack in 2022.

6 September 2024
Mexico: Woman human rights defender Hortensia Telesforo Jiménez attacked during protest

On 5 September 2024, woman human rights defender Hortensia Telésforo Jiménez was verbally attacked during a protest alongside members of the originary community of San Gregorio Atlapulco, located in the Xochimilco district of Mexico City (CDMX). The protest was organized in her support as a human rights defender, who had been summoned for a hearing at the Prosecutor’s office regarding a potential case of criminalization against her.

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Hortensia Telésforo Jiménez is a woman human rights defender from the originary community of San Gregorio Atlapulco, Xochimilco, CDMX. She has played a key role in organizing efforts to address challenges faced by her community, particularly in defending their land, water rights, and the use of chinampas, an ancient agricultural method. In December 2022, the community faced repression by police for peacefully opposing a construction project by the Water System of Mexico City that was not properly consulted with them. Due to her human rights work, Hortensia Telesforo Jiménez has been targeted by local authorities and political agents, including a physical attack in 2022.

On 2 August 2024, Hortensia Telésforo Jiménez was notified of an investigation against her, related to her involvement in the recuperation of the community’s library, now known as the "Casa del Pueblo Tlamachtiloyan", a cultural space for the San Gregorio Atlapulco community. On 5 September, the woman human rights defender, accompanied by neighbours of San Gregorio Atlapulco, went to the Prosecutor's office XO-2 in response to the notification. Later, it was reported that the hearing would not take place. Instead, they proceeded to the Xochimilco municipal office to peacefully protest, demanding an end to the criminalization of the woman human rights defender.

The peaceful protest was violently interrupted when nearly 30 masked individuals arrived and assaulted the participants with sticks. Protesters, including women, youth, and elderly people, were physically and verbally attacked. Hortensia was verbally attacked and told to not record what was happening. There were also reports of phones and cameras being stolen from local media. Five individuals among the protesters were detained during the repression but were released later that night. The protesters claim that the attackers were called upon by the Xochimilco municipal authorities to intimidate Hortensia Telesforo Jiménez.

Front Line Defenders expresses deep concern over the repression of human rights defender Hortensia Telésforo and the originary people of San Gregorio Atlapulco, and notes that this is not the first time peaceful protests by the community have been met with violence. These attacks occurred in the context of a risk of criminalization against Hortensia Telesforo Jiménez as retaliation for her human rights work.

Front Line Defenders urges the Mexican authorities to:

  1. Drop the charges against human rights defender Hortensia Telesforo Jiménez and guarantee her right to due process;
  2. Provide proper assistance to human rights defender Hortensia Telesforo Jiménez and the people of San Gregorio Atlapulco affected by the violent repression, and conduct an immediate, thorough and impartial investigation to identify and sanction those responsible for the attacks;
  3. Adopt immediate and effective protection measures for human rights defender Hortensia Telesforo Jiménez and other defenders from the originary community of San Gregorio Atlapulco;
  4. Ensure that all human rights defenders, in the course of their legitimate activities in defense of human rights, can operate freely without fear of restrictions or reprisals in Mexico, including judicial harassment.