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Take Action for Saed Jadad

Status: Travel Ban

Saed Jadad

Saed Jadad


 H.E Mr Abdulla Nasser Al Rahbi

Permanent Mission of the Sultanate of Oman to the United Nations

Chemin de Roilbot 3a

1292 Chambésy



+41 22 758 96 66

Your Excellency,

On 8 January, Omani authorities banned prominent human rights defender Mr Saed Jadad from travelling to Doha from Salalah airport in Oman. The human rights defender was told that he has been placed on a blacklist and would not be allowed to travel out of Oman until the year 2099.

Saed Jadad is a prominent human rights activist and blogger and has led several protests in Dhofar, Southern Oman. Saed Jadad has  been documenting human rights violations in Oman both on social media and in newspaper articles, and has been critical of the government's lack of respect for human rights. His work is now officially banned from being published in Omani newspapers, including Al Zaman and Ruaya newspapers, for which he has made regular contributions.

On 8 January, Saed Jadad was told by a security officer at the Omani Salalah airport that he would not be able to travel until the year 2099 after being blacklisted by the Omani government. According to the human rights defender, no written decision was given to him regarding the travel ban.

Saed Jadad has been an active human rights defender in Oman for some years. He was recently released from prison on 26 August 2016 after serving a one-year prison sentence on charges that include the "use of an information network (the Internet) in the dissemination of material that would prejudice public order."

I condemn the travel ban imposed on Saed Jadad as I believe it to be in retaliation to his legitimate and peaceful human rights activities.

I urge the authorities in Oman to:

1. Immediately and unconditionally remove the travel ban imposed upon Saed Jadad, as Front Line Defenders believes that he is being restricted solely as a result of his legitimate and peaceful work in the defence of human rights;

2. Guarantee in all circumstances that all human rights defenders in Oman are able to carry out their legitimate human rights activities without fear of reprisals and free of all restrictions.
