Durum: Arrested Shoma Sen 17 Şubat 2020Bhima Koregaon case to be moved to National Investigation Agency Ihlaller #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis Yer #India
Durum: Released Ahmed Abdel Fattah Ibrahim 12 Şubat 2020Ahmed Abdel Fattah Ibrahim released on bail Ihlaller #Keyfi gözaltı #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis Yer #Bölge: Orta Doğu ve Kuzey Afrika #Egypt
Durum: Released Li Zhaoxiu 10 Şubat 2020Li Zhaoxiu released Ihlaller #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis Yer #China
Durum: Released Miguel López Vega 7 Şubat 2020Miguel Lopez Vega released on precautionary measures Ihlaller #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis Yer #Region: Americas #Mexico
Durum: Imprisoned Waleed Abu Al-Khair 6 Şubat 2020Waleed Abu Al-Khair ends hunger strike Ihlaller #Yargısal Taciz #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis Yer #Saudi Arabia
Durum: Detained Julio Gómez Lucas 3 Şubat 2020Indigenous peoples’ rights defender Julio Gómez Lucas placed under house arrest Ihlaller #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis Yer #Guatemala
Durum: Detained Zhang Zhongshun 27 Ocak 2020One-month incommunicado detention of four human rights defenders Ihlaller #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis Yer #Region: Asia Pacific #China
Durum: Detained Dai Zhenya 27 Ocak 2020One-month incommunicado detention of four human rights defenders Ihlaller #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis Yer #Region: Asia Pacific #China
Durum: Released Carola Rackete 23 Ocak 2020Italy’s highest court confirms: Carola Rackete’s arrest was unwarranted Ihlaller #Misilleme #Hakaret #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis Yer #Bölge: Avrupa ve Orta Asya #Italy
Durum: Released Tran Thi Nga 10 Ocak 2020Tran Thi Nga released into exile Ihlaller #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis Yer #Vietnam
Durum: Acquitted Santosh Yadav 9 Ocak 2020Santosh Yadav Acquitted of All Charges Ihlaller #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis #Fiziksel Saldırı Yer #India