Durum: Released & Facing Charges Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara 19 Mart 2020Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara released but still facing charges Ihlaller #Yargısal Taciz #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis Yer #Region: Americas #Cuba
Durum: Detained Ke Chengbing (柯成兵) 18 Mart 2020One-year detention of labour rights defenders Ihlaller #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis Yer #Region: Asia Pacific #China
Durum: Released Ran Chongbi 12 Mart 2020Ran Chongbi released Ihlaller #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis Yer #China
Durum: Acquitted Kaddour Chouicha 9 Mart 2020Kaddour Chouicha acquitted Ihlaller #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis Yer #Bölge: Orta Doğu ve Kuzey Afrika #Algeria
Durum: Released Li Yanxiang 4 Mart 2020Li Yanxiang released Ihlaller #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis Yer #China
Durum: Released Jonathan Pollak 20 Şubat 2020Jonathan Pollak released Ihlaller #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis Yer #Israel #İşgal Altındaki Filistin Toprakları
Durum: Released on Bail Manzoor Pashteen 18 Şubat 2020Manzoor Pashteen granted bail Ihlaller #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis Yer #Region: Asia Pacific #Pakistan
Durum: Arrested Rona Wilson 17 Şubat 2020Bhima Koregaon case to be moved to National Investigation Agency Ihlaller #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis
Durum: Arrested Sudhir Dhawale 17 Şubat 2020Bhima Koregaon case to be moved to National Investigation Agency Ihlaller #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis Yer #India
Durum: Arrested Mahesh Raut 17 Şubat 2020Bhima Koregaon case to be moved to National Investigation Agency Ihlaller #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis Yer #India
Durum: Arrested Surendra Gadling 17 Şubat 2020Bhima Koregaon case to be moved to National Investigation Agency Ihlaller #Yakalama / Gözaltı / Hapis Yer #India